Презентация по английскому языку на тему Викторина по Древнему Египту
МОУ «Оссорская средняя общеобразовательная школа» «Викторина по Древнему Египту» Подготовили: учитель английского языка Тебенькова О.Л, учащаяся 10 «А»класса Костенко Иринап.Оссора2011 год
ANCIENT EGYPT QUIZAre you an ancient Egypt expert?Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false.
Ancient Egypt has been the longest-running empire in the history of mankind.
The ancient Egyptians had both men and women pharaohs.
It took 70 days to make a mummy.
The embalmers took out all the organs of a pharaoh expect the heart. The heart was left inside the body.
Crocodiles were worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt. They were mummified when they died.
Egyptian pyramids contained everything the pharaoh could need in the afterlife, including a toilet.
Some history books say that pyramids were built by slaves. In fact, they were built by free craftsmen.
The Egyptians stopped building pyramids because of the robbers. Later pharaohs were buried inside tombs cut deep into the rock. This place is called the Valley of the Kings.
An Egyptian man could have as many wives as he liked.
A 12-year-old Egyptian girl was considered old enough to marry.
Egyptians teenagers didn’t have pocket money. This is because there was no money in ancient Egypt.
There were no spoons or folks in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians ate with the tips of their fingers.
The Egyptians worshipped many gods. The most important of them was Osiris, God of the dead. People believed in him because they wanted to live after they had died.
Both men and women in ancient Egypt wore eye make-up. It was believed the make-up had magical and even healing powers.
Egyptian girls coloured their palms and soles with henna to colour their nails.
Egyptian boys shaved their heads except for a long plait on the right side until the age of twelve. Girls wore their hair long.
The ancient Egyptians used more than 700 hieroglyphs.
The last kings of Egypt weren’t Egyptian. They were all Greek.
And joke Why did the ancient Egyptian baby cry? She wanted her mummy!
Используемая литература: 1. Speak out .№4,2005г./;журнал для изучающих англ. язык./ ООО «Издательство Глосса- пресс.» 2.Интернет-ресурсы: Яндекс, Википедия. 3. Фотографии из семейного архива.