Презентация к уроку по учебному предмету «Английский язык» на тему «TODAY AND TOMORROW». Защита окружающей среды

We live on a very beautiful planet – on the Earth. МОУ Межозёрная СОШ № 1 Cагитова Г.Т. Give more words to the word“Environment” Environment Protect Recycle Reduce Destroy wildlife Spend ecological pollution frighten breathe “Environment” to protect nature [prə`tekt`neitə] охранять природуto reduce pollution [ri`dju:s pəlu:n] уменьшить загрязнениеto destroy wildlife [di`stroi `waildlaif] разрушать дикую природуto damage nature [dəemisз] повреждать природуto pollute air [pə`lu:t] загрязнять воздухto disturb animals [dist۸rb] беспокоить животныхto recycle [risaikl] перерабатыватьglass [gla:s] стеклоlitter [litə] мусорto preserve [pri`zз:v] сохранятьcleaning structures [st`r۸ktəz] очистные сооруженияto frighten [`fraitən] пугать Please, stop! The Earth is in danger. What is in danger? The planet The climate The oceans The forests The animals How can we help the environment? Write green rules for all people. Don`t pollute water.Don`t ……………Don`t ……………Don`t ……………Don`t ……………Don`t …………… Please, stop! Don`t pollute water. Don`t pollute air. Don`t use so much water. Don`t kill animals. Don`t drop litter in the street. Don`t cut down the forests. Greenpeace wants to save the environment.They fight against water and air pollution. We can help fish if we a)don’t use so much water b)don’t pollute the oceans,rivers,lakes We can save seas and rivers. We could make our world better place for ourselves and the children of the future. Think about the environment! We mustn’t pollute air!We must not kill animals!We must not drop any litter!We must not pollute rivers!We must not cut down forests! We’ll always drop litter in special containers.We’ll never kill animals.We’ll never cut down trees.We’ll protect our planet.We’ll never forget to turn off light and water.