Грамматические задания в презентации по английскому языку на тему Past Simple. Regular verbs
Complete the sentences He’s washing the dishes and she’s cleaning a room. They are helpful.Aunt Jane and uncle Tim are working but their niece is lying in bed. She’s lazy.My nephew is telling a story and everybody is laughing. He’s funny.The Russian girl knows a lot and she learn quickly. She’s clever.My friend is talking to new girl in our class. He’s friendly.My cat has got some fish and she’s happy.My teacher speaks English very well.My grandmother is walking home slowly.It’s raining! Let’s run home quickly.The baby is sleeping. Talk quietly! Yesterday morning Sally walked (walk) to the park where she waited (wait) for her friend, Kelly. They climbed (climb) a tree and then they argued (argue).Kelly wanted (want) to play with some other children but Sally didn’t (not do). Kelly and the children played (play) football. Sally stayed (stay) and watched (watch) them for ten minutes, then she walked (walked) home. On the way, she talked (talk) to a boy and a girl. They asked (ask) her some questions about school. D i a r y c a f e s t o r m l a p t o p P e t s h o p t o r c h w i n d c a n o p e n e r f a m i l y