Презентация по англ.языку на тему Заповедники Казахстана West Altai Reserve (8 класс)
West Altai ReserveАфанасьева О.С.учитель англ.языкаЧБШ «Бриг»
Altai Reserve located on the territory of Ridder and Kirovsky districts in the north-eastern border of East Kazakhstan region. Its area is about 86 122 hectares.
West-Altai are located both within a few natural areas: forests, mountain meadows, tundra, snowy strip etc. The relief resembles a mountainous landscape. The reserve is clearly present mountain meadows, mountain taiga and mountain tundra.
There are about 14 small glaciers in the valley of the White Uba.
Cedar lake
The area of the West Altai Nature Reserve is largely away from the settlements, so its main visitors are botanists, ornithologists. There is a field camp of so called “Birdwatchers”. They have a lot of lessons, games, excursions to the eco-trail in the mountains, valleys and glaciers.
Within the reserve there are about 200 species of herbs. They are saxifrage (бадан), mother and stepmother (мать-и-мачеха), blueberries (черника), cranberries (брусника), oregano (душица), St. John leaky ash trees (дырявый ясенник св. Джона), gold and maral root (золотой и маралий корень).
The fauna of the West Altai Nature Reserve is typical for medium mountain region of the Western Altai. 2 species of fish, 2 species of amphibians, 2 species of reptiles, 191 species of birds, 52 species of mammals.
Take a trip!