Презентация на тему моя любимая книга

Работу выполнилаУченица 2 класса Пашковской СОШ- филиал МБОУ «Актабанская СОШ»Кулакова Викторияпод руководством учителя английского языка Кулаковой А.А.My favorite book Kulikov L.I. born on August 7, 1924 in the city of Ivanovo-Voznessensk. In October 1941 Kulikova were evacuated to Siberia, but the road to Novosibirsk 17-year-old Leonid became ill, and the family was removed from the train at the station Shumicha Kurgan region. Fate decreed Kulikova settled in the village of polovinka celinnoe lands, where he lived until the beginning of the 1960 s. He wrote many poems and stories for children. My favorite book of «Able albumen», a book very interesting and fairy-tale,Main heroine of albumen With this book first I became acquainted in our library,a book is very kind and merry. Мany funny moments. I advise to read her to all guysАcquaintance with a book My favorite books