Презентация по английскому языку Spring holidays in Great Britain (Весенние праздники в Великобритании)

Spring Holidays in Great Britain Подготовила: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №3 им. В.П. Чкалова Селезнева Екатерина Дмитриевна Цели и задачи мероприятия: 1.Способствовать всестороннему развитию личности2.Формировать и развивать ключевые компетентности учеников3.Повысить мотивацию студентов к изучению иностранных языков4.Воспитать толерантность, уважительное отношение к культуре народов страны изучаемого языка5.Ознакомить с традициями и обычаями Великобритании и сравнить их с традициями родной страны.  Праздники являются неотъемлемой частью культуры любой страны. Чтобы понять человека из другой страны недостаточно знать его родной язык, нужно хотя бы немного приобщиться к истории его страны и ее культуре.  В истории человечества феномену праздника принадлежит особая роль, ведь празднество - это важная изначальная форма человеческой культуры. В Великобритании существуют множество официальных и неофициальных праздников. Среди них есть как международные праздники, отмечаемые людьми по всему свету, так и сугубо национальные, являющимися актуальными лишь для британцев. Многие из них связаны с монархической и христианской традицией, некоторые имеют языческое происхождение, другие отмечаются как памятные даты. Одной из причин, по которой мы празднуем какие- либо события, заключается в то, чтобы вспомнить наших предков и черты прошлых времен. Празднуя что-либо мы показываем свое уважение к людям, игравшим роль в историческом процессе страны. Мы обогащаем наши знания, узнаем много нового из истории и культуры страны. Saint Valentine's day Valentine's Day (Saint Valentine's Day) is an occasion celebrated on February 14. It is the traditional day on which people express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. There were many Christians names Valentine. According to the Catholic Encyclopaedia, at least three Saint Valentines are mentioned who are associated with 14 February. One is described as a priest at Rome, another as a Bishop of Interamna (now Terni in Italy) and the other lived and died in Africa. The Valentine that most experts believe is the actual one remembered on St. Valentine's Day was a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. What happens on Valentines day in Britain? Теперь День Святого Валентина — это день влюбленных. В этот день люди дарят подарки или цветы тем, кого они любят. Большинство людей посылают «валентинки», поздравительные открытки, которые названы в честь писем св. Валентина, написанных в тюрьме, «Валентинки» могут быть сентиментальными и романтичными, забавными и дружественными. «Валентинки» могут быть анонимными, могут иметь форму сердца. Их можно купить или сделать самим. St. David"s Day(День святого Дэвида покровителя Уэльса) St David's Day is celebrated in Wales on 1 March, in honour of St David the patron saint of Wales. St David was a Celtic monk, abbot and bishop, who lived in the sixth century. He spread the word of Christianity across Wales. The most famous story about Saint David tells how he was preaching to a huge crowd and the ground is said to have risen up, so that he was standing on a hill and everyone had a better chance of hearing him. What is the national emblems of Wales? The national emblems of Wales are daffodils and leeks. St David's Day is commemorated by the wearing of daffodils or leeks. Both plants are traditionally regarded as national emblems. What is Wales' National Dress? On St David's Day, some children in Wales dress in their national costume, which consists of a tall black hat, white frilled cap and long dress. The national flag of Wales, depicting a fiery red dragon against a green and white background, is also flown. What is the Naional Flag of Wales? May Day celebrations The first day of the month of May is known as May Day. It is the time of year when warmer weather begins and flowers and trees start to blossom. It is said to be a time of love and romance. It is when people celebrate the coming of summer with lots of different customs that are expressions of joy and hope after a long winter. Morris dancing The Music The dancing is very lively and accompanied by an accordion player, a melodeon or fiddle player (Cotswolds) or a noisy band with a drum Costumes Shakespeare Day in United Kingdom Many fans and enthusiasts of William Shakespeare, who was one of England’s greatest poets and dramatists, celebrate National Shakespeare Day, also known as Shakespeare Day, on April 23 each year. April 23 is also St George’s Day and the United Nations’ World Book and Copyright Day, which was a natural choice to pay a worldwide tribute to writers such as Shakespeare. What do people do? Special pageants are held at Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, where Shakespeare was born and where thousands of tourists go each year to see his plays performed. The bells of Holy Trinity Church ring out and the Mayor of Stratford leads a procession there to lay flowers on Shakespeare’s’ grave. The procession includes bands, civic dignitaries, costumed actors and actresses, Morris dancers, and the staff and pupils of some local schools. Symbols The Globe Theatre was a theatre in London associated with William Shakespeare. It was built in 1599 but was later destroyed by fire. A second Globe Theatre was rebuilt on the same site in 1614 and closed in 1642. A modern reconstruction of the theatre, "Shakespeare’s Globe”, is currently located in London. It consists of: The Globe Theatre, with a professional theatre company incorporating international artists playing a summer season of plays; Globe Education, which works with students of all ages; and Shakespeare’s Globe Exhibition, devoted to Shakespeare and his contemporaries in performance. St. George's Day in United Kingdom What do people do? St George's Day is not widely celebrated in England and many people do not even know the date on which it is marked. Flags with the image of St George's cross are flown on some buildings, especially pubs, and a few people wear a red rose on their lapel. Church services on the Sunday closest to April 23 often include the hymn 'Jerusalem', written by the poet William Blake. The words describe a supposed visit to Glastonbury, England, by Jesus Christ during his youth. Symbols The most widely recognized symbol of St George's Day is St George's cross. This is a red cross on a white background, which is often displayed as a flag. It is used as England's national flag, forming part of the Union Flag, the national flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Easter in the UK Symbols of Easter The Cross. Of course as it is a Christian festival one of the main symbols is a cross, often on a hill. When Jesus was crucified, the cross became a symbol of suffering. Then with the resurrection, Christians saw it as a symbol of victory over death. In A.D. 325, Constantine issued a decree at the Council of Nicaea, that the Cross would be the official symbol of Christianity. Symbols of Easter Symbols of Easter The Easter Bunny. Rabbits, due to their fecund nature, have always been a symbol of fertility.The Easter bunny (rabbit) however may actually be an Easter hare. The hare was allegedly a companion of the ancient Moon goddess and of Eostre. In the UK children believe that if they are good the "Easter Bunny " will leave (chocolate) eggs for them. 21 April Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II The Queen usually spends her actual birthday privately, but the occasion is marked publicly by gun salutes in central London at midday: a 41 gun salute in Hyde Park, a 21 gun salute in Windsor Great Park and a 62 gun salute at the Tower of London. In 2006, Her Majesty celebrated her 80th Birthday in 2006 with a walkabout in the streets outside of Windsor Castle to meet well-wishers. Королева Елизавета II с матерью Елизаветой I и отцом Георгом VI Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Королева Елизавета родилась 21 апреля 1926 года. Елизавета II в форме скаута, 1942 го Обучением Елизаветы занимался лично ее отец - король Георг VI. С ранних лет Лилибет, как ее звали дома, была увлеченной и активной натурой. Ей очень нравилось изучать языки. Благодаря иностранным гувернанткам, она в детстве в совершенстве овладела французским. В 11 лет, еще будучи принцессой, Елизавета стала скаутом, а затем морским рэйнджером. Елизавета II сидит на коне практически с самого рождения С детства королева очень любит животных. Она является заводчицей множества чистокровных скакунов, часто приходит посмотреть на соревнования по конному спорту, а также на скачки, в которых участвуют ее кони. Королева Елизавета II с собакой Также Елизавета II обожает собак. Ее любимая порода - вельш корги. Первого щенка ей подарил отец на день рождения, с тех пор у нее было больше 30 корги, каждый из которых является потомком ее первенца - Сюзи. Собаки живут с королевой в замке, путешествуют в лимузинах и живут в гостиницах. Mothering Sunday Mothering Sunday in the UK is the equivalent of Mothers' Day in other countries. Mothering Sunday is a time when children pay respect to their Mothers. Children often give their Mothers a gift and a card. Mothering Sunday The UK's version of Mother's Day - 3 April 2011 April’s Fool Day St. Patrick’s Day