Урок по английскому языку на тему 1001 proverbs, 101 riddle

1001 proverbs, 101 riddle1.Baiga2. Polyglot3. Find the text theme 1 round: Baiga1. live and ………………………. without fire3. There is no smoke ………. home is best4. East or west…………………. learn

2.round: Polyglot1. Жылтырағанның бәрі ........емес.2. ............зор байлық.3. Шешінген ........... тайынбас.4. .............таумен кездеспейді, адам адаммен кездеседі.5................сөз жарым ырыс.6. ...............сөз жерде жатпайды.Алтын-золото-goldДенсаулық-здоровья-healthТау-гора-mountainЖақсы-хорошо-goodЖаман-плохо-badСу-вода-water

3round: Find the text theme My name is Oleg, my surname is Petrov. I’m 14. I was born on the 25th October,1992. I’m Russian.I want to tell you about my family. It is not very big. I have got a mother, a father and brother. My mother’s name is Elena.My family and I live in Moscow. We live seventh floor of a brick block of flats. Our flat is not……. About myselfMy familyMy flat

The end thank you