Презентация-тренажер по звукам, грамматической конструкции has got, hasnt got, is — isnt, случаи притяжательного падежа.

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I see… Я вижу…

rrrrr I see three tigers.I see four elephants. I see five foxes.I see two bears. His cat is fat and big.
Ann’s pig is not grey.
Rick has got 7 red pencils.

Is he fat? Is he smart?Is he sad?Is he big?Can he fly? Can he skip?Can he swim?Can he read?Can he draw? [ɔ] dog [k] frog clock A dog went to town to buy a frog.What? A dog with a frog?A frog for a dog?Who ever saw a dog with a frog? is- is not = isn’tcan – cannot= can’thas got – has not got= hasn’t gotЗапомни! isn’t can’t hasn’t gotHe ……… fat.He ……… a hat. He ……… fly. Рассказ о друге Рокки.He is black.He can read.He lives in a house.He has got hat.