Презентация по английскому языку на тему Молодежные субкультуры (10 класс)

YOUTH SUBCULTURESPrepared by Olha KorobovaEnglish teacherBerdyansk Specialized School №16 LESSON OUTLINE Warming up (7 minutes)Aims of the lesson (3 minutes)Students’ presentations (2#10 minutes) and discussion (2# 5 minutes)Relaxation: music break (5 minutes)Debate: “Youth subcultures help to develop the personality of young men and the society in whole ” (30 minutes)Home assignment (2 minutes)Assessment and Evaluation (5 minutes)Summarizing (3 minutes) What does youth subculture mean? Do youth subcultures serve any purpose? Is class important in youth subcultures? What makes one youth subcultures different from another? Are you a member of any youth subculture? Which one? Explain your choice. QUIZ: GUESS THE SUBCULTURE Toy girls Goths Skinheads Dandys / Flappers Greasers New Romantic / Glam Rock Gangsta Rockers Geek Chic Punks Emo Grunge Hippies THE GOALS OF THE LESSON are to all students the opportunity to: 1) Gain a thorough and varied insight into issues, concepts, and writings that constitute the central themes of youth subculture. 2) Develop an ability to utilize various research methods and writing techniques in order to conduct a research. 3) Draw on different media and textual resources for written and oral work. 4) Contrast personal experience with existing research and connect those experiences with wider sociological debates. THE OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON To develop speaking skills - fluency/accuracy practice/ consolidating recently taught language. To promote interest in the culture. To create a comfortable atmosphere where students are not afraid to speak and enjoy communicating Expectations: students are expected to complete all assigned homework, and to come to class prepared to engage thoughtfully and respectfully in class activities and discussion 7 Principles of Public Speaking 1) Purpose Understand your purpose and your role. In other words, what are the presentation’s objectives? Is it to motivate, inform, persuade, teach? Also, clarify the role you as the presenter are performing. Are you there to coach, advocate, teach, etc.? 2) People Who is the audience? How do the characteristics, skills, backgrounds, opinions and behaviors of the audience affect your presentation? What do you want them to feel or think after your presentation? 3) Place Why are you speaking to this audience now and in this place? Are there any logistical concerns you should keep in mind regarding the place in which you are presenting? 4) Planning Is there a natural order to the ideas and the information you will use? What is the most effective way to organize the presentation to accomplish its purpose? 5) Preparation Where and how can you find good ideas and information for your speech? What kind of supporting materials do you need? 6) Personality How does one become associated with the message of the presentation in a positive way? What can one do to demonstrate competence, charisma and character to the audience? 7) Performance What form of delivery is best suited to the purpose of the speech? What delivery techniques will make the presentation more effective? RULES FOR GIVING PRESENTATION Do: Talk Stand Move around the room Use visual aids: OHP, flipcharts, pictures, etc. Vary the pitch of your voice Speak loudly and clearly Make eye contact with the audience Focus on your main points Start and finish your presentation on time Summarize your main points at the beginning and end Be aware of the audience and try to respond to their needs RULES FOR GIVING PRESENTATION Don’t: ReadSitStand stillJust talk about your topicSpeak in a monotoneMumble at your notesStare at your notesGet lost in detailsBe self-indulgentTry to reinvent the wheel Let them forget, or be confused later. DEBATE “Youth subcultures help to develop the personality of young men and the society in whole” Debate is an essential activity in democratic society. Debating is a powerful way to develop skills in critical thinking and expression. What is Debate? Debate centers on the discussion of a RESOLUTION. The AFFIRMATIVE side argues in support of the resolution - they argue in for the proposed idea. The NEGATIVE side argues against the resolution - they argue for anything but the proposed idea. A good debater: respects different opinions; is tolerant of people with whom he disagrees; looks at opposing viewpoint; researches the issue he will debate; expresses and tests his arguments; learns to use reasons to challenge others; attacks arguments not personalities; is an active citizen of his country. Order of Events (discussion) 1st Affirmative Constructive Speech 1st Negative Constructive Speech 2nd Affirmative Constructive Speech 2nd Negative Constructive Speech Affirmative Rebuttal Negative Rebuttal Home assignment To write… and tell about our lesson.an e-maila personal letter (an informal letter)an article to the school newspaper (a formal letter)