Презентация по английскому языку по теме Молодежные субкультуры 11 класс
It is a little about ЕмО... ЕМО-PROBABLY you already heard about new mysterious subculture, which popularity in Russia now grows. The strange girl with a black hair, with brilliant hairpins on a head and ring in the bottom lip, poor boys with a black hair closing half of the person, in black кеds and with a bag through a shoulder. Last time at the teenagers arises a question: who such ЕМО? And whence it has undertaken? ЕМО a beginning my existence in west in 80 years. The poor, high teenagers with a rigid, direct hair. Behind hair look in the different parties At the girl children's, ridiculous hairdresses two small tails, bright hairpins. Both the boys and girl can paint lips under colour of a leather(skin), use a light voice-frequency cream, the person looks a pale, bright stain to be looked richly moved to a black eye. Eyes a mirror of soul. Narrow jeans, it is possible with holes, with a belt by a chain, and can also pink with Hello Kity or Power Girls. On legs keds. on hands multi-coloured bracelets, on a neck large bright large beads or white pearls. Are punctured: language, ears, nose, nose bridge etc. Frequently ЕМО kid do(make) large turn in ears In first do not confuse ЕМО with neformalamy!!!! IT IS an image of ideas, and neformalstvo an image of life!!! ЕМО kid for a healthy image of life: do not smoke, do not drink, the drugs do not use, are engaged in sports (more often extreme), they differ from other people only by ideas and style. At ЕМО there are a lot of different badges. ЕМО are slightly pessimistic, but never make of such silly mistakes, as for example suicid. ЕМО is very thin feel an emotional condition of the people, environmental them. For example: I go along the street and I see the smiling girl, but I feel, that she(it) in what doubts of depth of soul. A duty environmental е ё of the people to help it(her). ЕМО endow by the appearance much. The distinctive feature IS a long slanting hair on one eyes, it is desirable that the colour of a hair was black. Also trump is badges, skull.