Презентация по английскому языку Subculture
Субкультура - (этимология слова- образовано от латинских слов sub – под, cultura - культура) это часть культуры общества, отличающаяся от общепринятой, а также социальные группы носителей этой культуры. Субкультура может отличаться от доминирующей, общепринятой культуры собственной системой ценностей, языком, манерой поведения, одеждой и т.п. Различные субкультуры формируются на национальной, демографической, профессиональ-ной, географической и других основах.
Subculture is the behaviour, beliefs and customs of a particular group of people within a society. Often it is a group whose behaviour is disapproved by most people and whose interests are different from those of the mainstream culture.Youth subculture is a particular cultural grouping , a way for young people to express their individuality.Nowadays there are many different groups, for example rocker, mod, punk, hacker, raver, skinhead, biker, goth, hippie, straight edger, etc.
ROCKERS OR BIKERS Rocker is a young person following a fashion for leather jacket, army boots and motorcycle. These people are associated with something rebellious.
Rockers of all ages
MODS Mod is a member of a group of young people who developed their own style different from others. They usually have neat white shirts, short jackets and narrow trousers. Their faces are pale with plenty of make up. They drive motor scooters (light motorcycles) and often have fights with rockers. They also like soul music. It’s popular modern black American music, derived from gospel, blues and jazz. It expresses strong emotions.
Punks Punk is a young person who follows punk style in music, dress, etc. These people are opposed to the values of money-based society and they express their protest in loud violent music - punk-rock. They dress in a shocking way: they wear metal chains and have brightly coloured hair. They reject everything.
Hackers Hacker is a person who is able to use or change the information in other people’s computer systems without their knowledge or permission. Hackers are the wizards of the computer community. They have deep understanding of how their computers work and can do things with them that seem “magical “.
Ravers Raver is a young person who leads an exciting life of social and sexual freedom. Computer-made synthesized music and all-night dancing are typical for them.
Skinheads Skinhead is a young person, usually male, with hair that is shaved off or cut very short. They often wear tight trousers, heavy boots, and an earring in one ear. The majority of them are working class, patriotic, football fans. They are very interested in politics. They are often regarded as violent and aggressive.
Goths Goth is a person who wears very black clothes with a lot of jewellery. These people have dark black hair. They try to look as thin and pale as possible. The members of this group talk about being vampires and about the end of the world.
Hippies Hippies are types of people dressed in unusual clothes. They have long hair (both men and women), live in groups together, they often take drugs. Many of them are rock’n’roll fans. Their behaviour is different from social norms. But they always want to change the world to the best. Hippies believe in peace and one of their sayings is “ Everything that brings people together is good, everything that draws them apart is evil. Love is the most powerful thing that brings people together. Make love, not war.”
Straight edgers Straight edge teenagers are a group of young people who are unhappy with the society in which they live. They don’t want to follow the usual way of teenage rebellion. Instead they have chosen a clean, healthy approach to life to better themselves and the world around them. They don’t drink, smoke or take drugs. Straight edgers take part in environmental, political and animal rights protests. They follow a vegetarian diet. They prefer music which originally grew out of the punk rock movement in the 1980s.
Summary So all these groups exist, as society can’t suggest anything really worth for teens. That’s why they are rebellious. Teens don’t think much about their future life. They want to live now. Being in a group is like living a real life for them. A subculture is not a fan club for teens, it’s a way of life and expression of their individuality.
Writing an Essay (“for” and “against” type): Introduction ( вступление) Body of an Essay (основная часть эссе):a) arguments “for” (аргументы «за») b) arguments “against” (аргументы «против»)3. Conclusion (заключение - вывод)