Презентация к уроку англ.языка для учащихся 5 класса по теме Школы в России и Великобритании
Schools in Russia and BritainWhat is good?
SchoolYearFavourite subjectsBoysGirlsStudentsTeacher’s nameFavourite things
RussiaBritainIt is the biggest country. The official language is English. The population is 146 million people. The size is 315 thousand sq km. The capital city is Moscow. The official language is Russian. The size is 17 million sq km. It is a small country. The population is 87 million people. The capital city is London.
T (правда) F (неправда)1. British pupils go to primary school at the age of 5. 2. They have not got a uniform.3. They study French.4. British pupils go to school from Monday to Saturday.5. They have lunch at home or at school.6. Lessons start at 8 o’clock.7. Lessons finish at 4 o’clock.8. British students have not got Art, Music, IT.9. In British school they go to sports clubs after lessons.TFTFTFTFT
Dialogue{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}name имяWhat isageвозрастHow oldcountry странаWhere isschool calledназвание школыWhat isyearклассWhatsubjectsпредметыWhat (How many)favorite subjectsлюбимые предметыWhat isstudents (boys, girls)ученики (мальчики и девочки)How manybest friendsлучшие друзьяWho arefavorite thingsлюбимые вещиWhat are
RussiaEnglandI have got a … in my lunchbox some
Синквейн1 строка- существительное (тема)2 строка- 2 прилагательных3 строка- 3 глагола4 строка- фраза 5 строка- заключение в форме сущ. (ассоциация с первым словом)School!Great, cool!To read, to sing, to run.I like my school!It`s fun!
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I think British school is good.I think Russian school is good.Thank You!