Презентация по английскому языку на тему Сувениры англоговорящих стран.

Project Work:“Souvenirs from the English Speaking World”.    Author:Angelina Titova, Class 5”I”Teacher:O.B.Ermolaeva.  Travelling and Souvenirs.Nearly every traveller on every occasion tries to find a souvenir that they can bring home and keep it so that they never forget about their adventure. The purposes of my work are to collect information about different types of souvenirs people buy, to make a questionnaire for my friends and classmates,see if people like to buy souvenirs, study what kind of souvenirs people usually buy,find out what happens to these souvenirs next. Souvenirs or memorabilias? What is a souvenir?A souvenir (from French) for “a remembrance or memory” is an object a person buys for the memories the owner associates with it. The term “souvenir” means something from a gift shop. But a souvenir can be any object that a traveller can take home. Types of Souvenirs: mass-produced souvenirs: clothes collectables household things 2) non-mass-produced souvenirs: folk art antiques Memorabilia…A souvenir is an object a person buys for the memories the owner associates with it. Memorabilia are valued for a connection to an event. Examples include sporting events, historical events, culture, and entertainment. They include clothes, game equipment, and posters. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.National ColoursSymbolsQueen Elizabeth IIFlagEvent Symbols The United States of AmericaPresident Obama Election CampaignSymbols of History, Culture and Literature CanadaInukshuk – a sculpture of stonesSmoked SalmonButter TartsIce WineNanaimo Bars AustraliaThe main symbols of the country are:National flag,Boomerang,Cowboy hat (Akubra),Kangaroo and Koala toys,Opal jewellery. New Zealand Questionnaire:What souvenirs do you buy when you travel? The most popular answer is a magnet.2. What happens to this souvenir next? Most pupils stick it to the fridge or put it on the shelf.3. What souvenir will you bring from England? Pupils want to buy typical symbols (like double-deckers, Big Ben or the statues of the queen). Souvenirs from the English-Speaking Countries The UKThe USACanadaAustraliaNew Zealand