Презентация по английскому языку на экологическую тему 8 класс

EARTH DAY We live in Krasny Yar. It is a village not far from Engels. Krasny Yar stands on the river Berezovka. The main sight of our village is the river Berezovka. It flows into the river Volga. We are proud of our river. The Berezovka is nice in all seasons. The river is long and wide. There are a lot of sand beaches, trees, reed and bushes along the banks. It is a beautiful place for rest and attracts the native people as well as town dwellers. The children and grown-ups swim in the river and go boating in summer. People from the town and the villagers go fishing in our Berezovka. But we have a lot of ecological problems in our native place. People have picnics and leave a lot of litter on the banks of river. The wind blows paper and plastic bags far away. It makes the river and banks dirty and ugly. Litter spoils the view of the river. Besides people and animals can be hurt with broken glass bottles and cans. Some people who live on the banks dump domestic wastes into the river. The fish and water plants die in the river. Every year in spring we clean up the banks of the Berezovka. The students of our school try to help our river. We collect rubbish into the bags. We want our river to be clean, nice and safe. Do not spoil the beaches! Take your litter home! Do not damage the banks of the river! Help to keep all water clean! Let’s keep our river Berezovka for the next generation! Презентацию подготовил обучающийся 6 класса МБОУ «СОШ с.Красный Яр»Кайбазаков Денис.Руководитель: Арзуманова Л.Н (учитель английского языка)