Презентация по английскому языку на тему Традиции празднования дня рождения в разных странах
Birthday traditions in
different countries Greasing the nose with butter or margarine. The greased nose makes the birthday person too slippery for bad luck to catch them Canada Greasing the nose with butter or margarine. The greased nose makes the birthday person too slippery for bad luck to catch them Fortune-telling cakes and bumps. If the birthday person's piece of cake has a coin in it, he or she will be rich. Also his or her friends give him or her the "bumps"— they lift him or her in the air by his or her hands and feet and raise him or her up and down to the floor, one for each year, then one for luck, two for luck and three for the old man's coconut! England Birthday bumps.
The birthday person is lifted upside down and "bumped" on the floor for good luck. The number of bumps given is the age of the child plus one for extra good
luck. A pound note and a soft smack. A pound note is given for every year old the child is plus an additional pound for good luck. A soft smack on the bottom is also given for each year. Scotland New Zealand
Birthday claps. After the birthday cake is lit, the "Happy Birthday" song is sung loudly and often out of tune and then the birthday person receives a clap for each year and then one for good luck. Cake, candles and song. Candles are put on top of the birthday cake based on how old the person is. Then everyone sings "Happy Birthday", and at the end of the song the birthday person blows out the candles. If he or she blows them all out with one blow, his or her birthday wishes wiill come true. The USA Russia Lay a festive table, and all guests will receive a variety of Goodies: cakes, rolls and loaves.
Very often it happens so, if the birthday child is a child, dressed in a smart suit. The child should blow out the candles, preferably the first time and make a wish. In Russia there is such a ritual, rather a tradition to wear the birthday boy's ears as many times as this year he turned years.