Презентация по теме Flats and houses

“Flats and houses”The theme of the lesson:The 26th of September
№Бағалау критериийіСөздерді дұрыс дыбыстауы (1-3 балл)сөйлемді оқып аударуы(1-3 балл)топтық жұмыстағы белсенділігі(1-3 балл)Грамматикалықтақырыпты түсініп жаттығу(1-3 балл)Әңгіме құруы(1-3 балл)Қорытын-дыОқушының аты-жөні1       2       3       4       5        0-8 б–«2» 9-11б –«3» 12-15б – «4» 16-18б – «5»Бағалау парағы block of flats [blɔk ɔf fləts] көп қабатты үйfirst floor [fə:st flɔ:] бірінші қабатbalcony [bəlkɔni] балконlift [lift] лифтstairs [stɛərz] баспалдақground floor [graʋnd’flɔ:r] төменгі қабатgarage [gə’rɑ:ʒ] гаражgarden [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] бақша Match the sentences with pictures and translate: 1.Danny lives in a block of flats.2.His family's flat is on the first floor.3.It's got a balcony.4.Danny doesn't usually take the lift.5.He usually goes up the stairs.6.There's a shop on the ground floor.7.There's a garage next to Nadia's house.8.There's a garden at the back. Ex 1. Work book. Complete the text with words describing flats and houses.I live with my family in a b………. of flats in London. We're lucky because our flat's on the g………floor, so we've got a little g………. at the back. My dad grows vegetables there. We keep our car in a g………… next to the flats. My friend Emma lives on the third f……… . Her flat is really nice. It's got a b………, so in summer the family can sit outside in the sun. When I go to Emma's, I don't often use the l…… - because it's very slow. I usually go up the s……… . Relative pronounsҚатыстық есімдіктерWho/thatThat/whichWe use who or that for people, and that or which for things.1. A teacher is a person who/that teaches students2. There’s balcony that/which overlooks the park. 1.There's a balcony that 2.There's a shop which 3.Danny works for the man who 4.The woman that 5.Danny knows someone who 6.Winston plays in a band thata. sells food.b. has got a view of the park.c. plays in a band. d. lives next door is called Lorina. e. goes all over the world.f. owns the shop.Make the sentences Make your own text about your flats or houses These questions may help you:1. Where do you live?2. Do you live in a flat or in a house?3. With whom do you live?4. In which floor do you live?5. Who are your neighbours? ReflectionWhat emotions do you feel ?Positive emotionsNegative feelings