Презентация по английскому языку на тему «Ecology. The Aral Sea disaster»

FQ & SQ: Fishing Questions and Shooting QuestionsSQ(да-нетка)Checking up the home task The nation that destroys its soil destroys itselfFranklin D. Roosevelt The Earth Song by Michael Jackson 1.Evocation Environmentalproblemspollutionwateroil spillindustrial wastesoilrubbishairacid raincar fumessmogdestruction of wildlifedeforestationglobal warmingincreasing t° melting ofice caps increasing of the sea level ozone depletion ozone holes UVR destructionof habitatsendangeredspeciesextinctspecies Ecology. The Aral sea disaster. Presentation ofnew words reduction- [ri`dʌkʃәn]-қысқару, тартылуirrigation-[ˏiri`geiʃn] - суландыруshrinkage –[`ʃriŋkidʒ]- тартылу, құрғауpollutant -[pә`lu:tnt]- ластаушыdamage – [`dæmidʒ]- шығын шығу TEXT:Fill in the gapsPut the (fishing question)FQ {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}1 groupEx:12 p822 groupEx:13 p83The Aral sea disasterKazakhstanKazakhstan RAFTR- role –a pupilA-audience- the mother EarthF- form- a letterT-theme- ecology Home task: Ex-23p86 What can we do to improve the ecological situation? Reflection1 Понравился ли мне урок?Did I like the lesson? _______________________________-2 Принимал ли активное участие в уроке?Did I take an active part? __________________________________3 Узнал ли на уроке много нового и интересного?Did I know much new and interesting? ________________________4 Самым интересным на уроке для меня было.....The most interesting for me was ………..________________________5 Самым трудным на уроке для меня было.....The most difficult for me was……..___________________________6 Чему я научился....What have I learned? _____________________________________ I saved the world today