Презентация на тему:Peculiarities OF THE METHODS OF TRANSLSTION PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN novel LILY HIDE “DREAM LAND” from English to Crimean tatar language
The object . Tne novel “Dream land ” by Lilyi Hide.
The subject Functioning of phraseological units and ways of their translations From English to Crimean Tatar language.
The aim of this work To define the methods of transmission of phraseological units of the novel of Lily Hide «Dream land» into Crimean Tatar language.
In order to achieve the set aim we are to determine the following tasks:To study the structural specific of phraseological units.To research the problems of translation of phraseological units.To consider the basic methods of translation of vivid phraseology.To offer the methods of transmission of phraseological units of the novel of Lily Hide «Dream land» into Crimean Tatar language.
Phraseological units and their typesBy the classification of Academician V.Vinogradov phraseological units are devided into three groups: phraseological combinationsphraseological unities and phraseological fusions.phraseological unit idiom translation
Phraseological problems of translationTranslating a phraseological unit is not an easy matter as it depends on several factors: different combinability of words, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy of phraseological units and presence of falsely identical units, which makes it necessary to take into account of the context. Besides, a large number of phraseolgical units have a stylistic-expressive component in meaning, which usually has a specific national feature. The English language is full of idioms (over 15000). Native speakers of English use idioms all the time, often without realizing that they are doing so.This work is devoted the study of features of translation of phraseological unit on material of work of "Dream land " Lily Hide . In it the problems of overcoming of difficulties were considered during translation of phraseological units. During work the structural specific of phraseological units was described and the basic methods of translation of vivid frazeologi are considered.
We use such methods asThe method of analogiesdescriptive translationCalqueThe method of equivalent
The method of equivalent The equivalent of PhU coinciding with the PhU of the source language by meaning, the lexical composition and figurativeness because of their international character, or one primary source (the Bible, mythology);He didn’t mean to sound accusing, but Safi hung her head.О къабаатлайджы олмакъ истемеди, лякин Софи башыны асты.It was on the tip of Safi`s tongue to say there was nothing wrong with Uzbekistan; it was much nicer than the miserable Crimea.Озьбекистанда завалы Къырымгъа бакъкъанда эр шей яхшы олгъаныны айтмагъа Софиниъ тили уджунда тура эди.
The method of analogiesanalogies that is such expressions are very close in their connotative ( metathorical ) meaning in English and - Crimean Tatar as well.Exaples “My father Hamzi died in exile, may his soul rest in peace.”Меним бабам Хамзи сюргюнликте вефат этти, Алла рамет эйлесин.So here I am on my own, one woman living with twenty-six men, and I didn`t even know half of them beforehand!Бойлеликнен , мен мында бир къадын олып, озь башыма иш тапып, 26 эркек арасында яшайым , бу акъайлярнынъ ярысыны да эвельден бильмей эдим.
CalqueCalque is the literal translation, which allows rendering a vivid image of English idiom to Crimean Tatar«And I`ve told you thousand times about this village we had to live in Crimea», Grandpa said sternly. «It`s gone now, but it`s all in our blood, our bones» «Мен Къырымда къалып кеткен кой акъкъында бинъ кере икяе эте эдим», - джиддий деди къартбабам. Коюмиз шимди гъайп олды, лякин о бизим къанымызда ве тенимизде къалды.Now she looked along the track doubtfully. Round the corner, she knew, she`d be in sight of the eye in the rock.Энди о ел бою шубенен бакъа эди. Кошенинъ артында олып, о къаяда ерлешкен козьнинъ незаретинде булунгъаныны биле эди.The teacher was suddenly at her side, snatching the book out of her hand. Бирден оджапче онынъ янында пейда олып, китабыны къолундан тартып алды.
descriptive translationThe meaning of a considerable number of PhU can be rendered through explication only, i.e. in a descriptive way.“Let`s go back,” Safi said. Her voice trembled. She turned to retrace her steps, and Lutfi followed. «Кель арткъа къайтайыкъ» деди Софи. Онынъ сеси титреди. О къайтмакъ ичюн айлянды ве Лютфи онынъ артындан кетти. Yet here now was a girl out in the field frowning and smiling at him, pretty as a painting and bold as a brass.Онъа бакъмадан, шимди тарлада чырайын сыткъан , онъа кулюмсиреген ,сурет киби дюльбер , лякин арсыз бир къыз тура эди.Refat was in his thirties, and his mother was always on at him to get married.Рефат энди отуз яшында эди,ве анасы онынъ эвленмесине эр вакъыт азыр эди.