Презентация по английскому языку на тему SELF ASSESSMENT 7 FORM

SELF ASSESSMENT The 9th of February Matching countable and uncountable nouns.I will show them papers which is written nouns and pupils will put countable nouns under the countables;uncountable nouns under the uncountable nouns.Countable UncountableApple coffeePotatoes breadCarrots butterBananas cheesePears rice Checking up of the hometask : Let’s check up.Ex.4,p.79 answer the questions:1.What’s your favourite dish?2.What’s your favourite colour?3.What’s your favourite lesson? The our lesson: Self assessment.(revision)We will make association about ingredients of our favourite recipes ;How to cook.National fried doughnuts—бауырсақ,Grilled pieces of meat—қазы,A national dish with meat and noodles—ұлттық асымыз қамыр қосылған ет,Gas stove—газ плитасы,Dried fruit – кептірілген жеміс. Group work: Red,Yellow,What  is  your  favourite  TV  show? Why?What  is  your  favourite  magazine? Why?What  is  your  favourite  gift you  have  received? Why?What  is  your  favourite  time  of  the  day? Why?What  is  your  favourite  day   of the  week? Why? SELF ASSESMENT TEST Homework.Revision