Проект-презентация Молодежные субкультуры популярные у подростков на английском языке
Проект Молодёжные субкультуры Выполнили ученики 10 «Б» класса Норова Мария и Шафиева АленаРуководитель проекта: учитель английского языка МБУ СШ №82Дудко Надежда Александровна Тольятти, 2012 Subcultures Young people have a particular relationship with the world. There are many groupings that have interests different from those of the mainstream culture. A particular cultural grouping is a way for young people to express their individuality. Maintenance: GothBikerPunkEmoHippieWhy do teens choose a subcultures? The Goths are above all an lifestyle, ideology, which is based on some definite principles of life and has its own midpoints, they are: obscure energy and philosophically- mystic texts of gothic music (The Sisters Of Mercy, In Strict Confidence, KINO (Victor Tsoy), HIM, KOMU VNYZ, etc) + black color and image (women have definite cosmetics and vamp style) by means of that we can distinguish one another in a crowd + literature that gives us desire for thinking and a possibility to understand ourselves and our instincts + movies that give us a start and then think (Tharkowsky, Cubrik, Paradzhanow etc – “The Crow”, “Odyssey 2000”) + art which doesn’t allow us to be the users ( + all that that everyone see in gothic…As every goth has his own determinations as to the goths and gothic. And everyone is a goth in one’s own way. May be this IS gothic… HISTORY Goths exist from the beginning of the 80's. Gothic and Goths have harmonically appeared from the mix of obscure power and aggression of dying post punk ( Joy Division, Virgin Prunes, Siouxsie and the Banshees etc) and aesthetic and energy of nascent new wave At the time when the youth had been full with post punk and there were no alternative to commercial rock and pop, then for all those who had some definite tastes to music and life there was no way to get some other music besides simple one. They were listened to by people who also started to wear black ( the color became a characteristic feature for Goths ) and by those who found their principles of life in that music and who needed the energy of that sorrowful, dreary, depressive music with wicked ironic texts…Unlike the others – GOTHS TAKE AND HAVE TAKEN THE STRENTH from this very music, which others took as suicidal or too gloomy… At that time papers and magazines and society called those bands gothic, the music was called GOTHIC or gothic rock , and those who liked the music and started to live the particular lifestyle- GOTHS. At that time another symbol of Goths – an ank – had appeared. Besides its ancient meaning which symbolized a combination of mystics and philosophy in gothic one of the meanings of ank is internal life. Though points of view differed, 1 - some considered gothic to be darker music and subculture, connected with mystics. 2 - Other goths based the gothic lifestyle and music on philosophy, high psycho ideology, on another level of comprehension…Although lots of goths joins together these two opinions. With the time Ank became more and more popular. All kind of Goths wear it… Besides these symbols which are usually wore on bodies, there is a lot of symbolism of all kinds which is used by Goths, mainly of ancient origin : Egypt, Thracian, Medieval, etc The members of this subcultures like to listen apathic and sad misic. There are many gothic groups: Evanescence, Nightwish, Him, Lacrimosa, The 69 eyes, Within Tamptation, Xandria etc. There are some gothic groups from our country:Otto Dix, Deform, Fleur, Pantheon, Agata Kristy, Linda etc. BIKER Biker Bikers fans and admirers of motorcycles. Unlike usual motorcyclists, at bikers the motorcycle is a part of a way of life. Characteristic association with adherents on the basis of this way of life also is. ANGELS OF THE HELL Bikers movement has arisen in the USA, has got into the Europe and any time a part of subculture when bikers have been divided into a little bit aggressive and conflicting groupings. The most known grouping - Hells Angels (" Angels of the Hell "). Appearance of bikers Stereotypic appearance of the biker Appearance of bikers Stereotypic appearance of the biker: (the head scarf of dark tones fastened on piracy manners on a nape) or knitted, "косуха" (a leather jacket with the lock obliquely) or a leather motor-jacket (it is frequent atop of a motor-jacket is put on the jeans or leather vest without sleeves with "colors" (symbolics) a motor club), leather trousers. Bikers often release long hair, moustaches, beards, for protection of eyes against a wind wear glasses, quite often ignore helmets. Flag Flag of Confederation (See Civil war in the USA) (is more exact, its variant - Naval Jack). Its tradition has gone from the American bikers. Its modern value is ambiguous: on the one hand it symbolizes nonconformism of bikers (see Confederative states of America), with another, till now can be a symbol of racism. It is necessary to note, what not all representatives bikers movements know about historical value of a symbol or do not give to it value, using a flag of Confederation SYMBOL The Image of a skull. Usually symbolizes fearlessness before the person of danger and death. Other sense of use of a symbol of a skull at bikers - protection against death. Exists story that when the Death comes, it leaves on died the sign - a skull and if on the person already there is this symbol, it thinks, that here already was and does not touch the person. Emblem The emblem (at bikers the emblem usually refers to "Colors") the club, sewed on a back (frequently it sew on leather or jeans vests which put on a top, but can sew and on a jacket) which shows to what club belongs the biker. On an emblem of club usually specify the name of club (on top рокере), the country or city in which it is organized club (bottom рокер), the trade mark of club (the central part) and the status of the club, widespread is the signature "МС“. MOTORCYCLES Among bikers the motorcycles made by the hands with skill and rich imagination are considered as the most dear. More often a class a chopper. Some clubs expose the certain requirements to volume of the engine (for example, not less than 750 sm3), to color or mark of a motorcycle. Bikers and popular culture. The Image of the biker as the free, strong person not so validly concerning the law and inhabitants, has affected a masscult. The masscult, in turn, has made this image attractive and has introduced in it a number of stereotypes and myths. By present time this image loses the importance, gradually conceding to its another. Punks not dead! Punks loved extravagant dresses and hairstyles. They pierced their noses and ears with pins. STREET STYLES A member of a group Clothes Music Specific features Punk Leather jakets, metal chains Aggressive Brightly coloured hair shocking way of wearing clothes. PUNK ROCK This music began in the UK and was thought to be aggressive. It was a rejection of everything that had gone before. It was designed to shock. Philosophy of the punks is very simple even I consider, that the punks should refer to as «Protesting». Existence of the punks is the protest to the public order and way of struggle with system in, with which all of us live. PUNK’S SYMBOL Who is Emo? What is Emo? Who is emo really? Young people dress in black-pink with lowering on half-face hairs, in depression mood and resembling on one another. Emo became popular in Russia. History of creation emo style After all 1983 had disintegrated Minor Threat. All country’s groups began to search new something in different directions. DRI and Bad Brains began to play easy metal. 7Seconds went in U2 alternative, etc. Spring 1984 formed new group Rites of Spring from ex members group The Untouchables, Faith and Deadline. In 1985 maked first wave in emo music. Gray Mafter, Soulside, Ingnition, Marginal Man, Fire Party, Rain, Shudder to Think are groups. Sound this groups became famous as “Classic Washington sound”. Emo searched from emotional. Washington groups got label emocor. Also emo style spread in the clothes. Emo style Hair’s Emo Emo music “emo”- Moss Icon, Native Nod, Still Life, Hoover, Milemaker“Russian emo”- Origami, Ocean my Nadegdi, Neversmile, 30 Day February, My Love Games HIPPIE The good old times for most of our hippies were the 1970s. Their ideals include love peas, freedom of self-expression, and nonconformity to society’s rules. Against the background of speeches, reports, slogans, which served as a smokescreen for corruption and moral crisis, hippies showed to young people an alternative to all that. Unfortunately, now the hippie community is becoming a place for really hopeless characters and those without any ideas and principles. It is not so difficult to look like hippie: a pair of worn-out blue jeans, long hair tied with bit of string and a couple of decorative chains. Stile “Hippie” The basic attributes hippies were a long hair, bright shirts and flared jeans. Bright flowers, bracelets, beads and multi-colored bags decorated with badges. The style does not cost on a place, but many attributes hippies are urgent now. The movement Hippie has captured youth ‘60s act of nature. Now it represents only small centers where concentrate old hippie. We completely share the basic directions of this subculture, but don’t understand worship the gods (Buddha and Krishna) and use of drugs. Many attributes of hippie clothes are included into our wardrobe and we hope that this movement will not pass without leaving a trace. Philosophy The hippy philosophy of shunning convention and conformity makes this group difficult to shop for. Chances are your favorite hippy won’t be thrilled with fashions from Banana Republic or the latest in high tech gadgetry (an iPod to listen their Dead albums might not be a bad idea though), but we’ve put together some far-out ideas to put you on the higher path to an appropriate gift. The same costume will be …amusing 30 years after its time. At the risk of seeming trite, we shall now delve into the superficial world of hippie fashions. Please bear with me as you will see it leads us to some very interesting places.Today, the fashion world has once again discovered the wonderful styles from the 60’s. We’ve come full circle and clothes are not the only part of hippie Dom to resurface for the new millennium. It’s a symbol of the resurgence of hippie values in our culture. The Marijuana IssueJust say NO to INTOLERANCE! It does seem that hippies as well as many other groups have a reluctance to get involved in an issue unless something personal is at stake. One issue that is getting hot now certainly affects hippies personally. The issue is marijuana. Everyone has an opinion whether it is to legalize, decriminalize, medicalize or industrialize. Until we all get together on this issue, THEY will have the upper hand. It has been politically unfeasible to discuss this issue with the anti-drug hysteria that has swept the nation for three decades. Now things are changing. This is one issue that can unite us again. Today, we have a War on Drugs which is really a War on Americans. Our government takes Woman and Children prisoners every day this war continues. We justify such actions as a deterrent, yet handing out 20-30 year sentences to (some) first time offenders, is far worse than how we punish many murderers. PLEASE END THE WAR! PLEASE FREE THE PRISONERS! Hippie fashion and Lifestyles The fashion rule in the ‘60s was that there were no rules. Anything went as long as it wasn’t based on the drab, conservative styles of the early ‘60s. I doubt if fashion designers were able to keep up unless they dropped acid. The only thing they seemed to be able to influence was the miniskirt. This is because many of the hippie fashions were based on traditional designs from India, Nepal, Central America, Bali and Morocco. It was easy to take an old pair of blue jeans, holes and all, and just put some bright patches over the holes. If they didn’t fit, you could open the seams and insert a triangle of something else, thus giving you flared bellbottoms. A cheap bandanna, an old vest, some beads and you were the height of fashion. The elements that went into the hippie wardrobe were only limited by our psychedelic imaginations. Bellbottoms ruled the day, from striped, to blue jeans to patchwork, to hip huggers, even leather pants were popular. Tops ran the gamut from Nehru shirts, to brightly color African dashikis and Middle Eastern caftans, to halter tops, tie dyes, and frilly, silky shirts for men! To express their own identityTo show offTo have their own values and beliefsTo express themselvesTo identity with a particular subcultureTo develop their own style distinct from othersTo be designed to shock