Презентация по английскому языку на темуFuture Perfect (Active Passive)

Future Perfect (Active, Passive)11 классТебенькова О.Л.МБОУ «ОСШ»2016г. I will have written the letter before you come tomorrow. (Я напишу письмо до того, как ты придёшь). I will have written a letter by 5 o’clock/ by that time tomorrow/ by the end of the week/. The Future Perfect Activewill+have+written (Participle II) Future Perfect Passivewill +have+been+ V3 (Past participle)He will have been asked by professor by 5 o’clock tomorrow.(Профессор опросит его завтра до 5 часов.) Future Continuouswill+ be +writing (Participle I)1. I will be writing a letter when you come tomorrow at 5o’clock.2. I will be writing the letter the whole day tomorrow.3. While I will be writing a letter, my sister will be cooking dinner.