Презентация по английскому языку на тему Британский и Американский английский
THE OBJECT OF STUDY:one foreign language in two variantsThe aim of work: a comparative analysis of British and American variantsof EnglishThe tasks:1 to study and analyse the literature on the research topic;2 to conduct a comparative analysis to show the differences between British and American English
THE EXAMPLES:BANANA---------------------SPANISHCHOCOLATE-----------------FRENCHCOFFEE-----------------------TURKISHFIASCO-----------------------ITALIAN
*American usually pronounce the letter -r- by rolling their tongue back and pressing it to the roof of their mouths whereas most British people do not pronounce the letter –r--, especially when it occurs at the end of a word*Americans tend to pronounce the words like –reduce--,-induce-,-seduce-:Mostly verbs that end with –duce-: more relaxed, that means after the letter –d- there follows the vowel –u-In British English after the letter –d- you can make out a little –j—*Americans have a tendency to reduce words omitting lettersThe words «facts» for example sounds in American English the same as –fax- the –t- is not spoken
British English American English1I have received an email 1I just received an email2I suggest he should see the doctor 2I suggest (that) he see a doctor3 write to somebody 3 write somebody4 stay at home 4 stay home