Презентация по английскому языку на тему Appearance and Character

Appearance and Character Hair A head is covered with hair. People’s hair may be: Long Short Curly Smooth Straight Wavy e.g.: straight shoulder-length hair прямые волосы по плечи. In colour hair can be: Red Black/Dark Brown/Chestnut Auburn Golden Blond Ash-blond Silvery e.g. She was a black-haired girl. The boy was red-headed. You can wear your hair: pinned up in bunches fastened with slides(Br) barrettes(Am) grips ribbons hair pins in plaits(Br)/braids(Am) to plait one's hair in a bun/ in a ponytail to have one's hair cut to do one's hair to grow one's hair to dye hair (e.g. in pink) to wear a wig to wear one's hair short shoulder-long hair rollers his hair is receding/thinning Old people have grey or white hair. she's greying fringe (AmE: bang) If a person has very little hair or no hair at all, we say that he is bold. Haircut – стрижка Hair-do - причёска Nose You smell scents and odors with a nose which can be: Long or short Flat - приплюснутыйStraight – прямойBulbous nose - нос картошкойTo be snub-nosed - быть курносымTurned-up – вздёрнутыйHooked – крючковатый, кривойAquiline - острый Mouth, Lips and Teeth A mouth may be big, small, wide, narrow, well-cut, firm. Your lips can be: full well-cut Speaking about one’s teeth we say that they are large, small, tiny, even or uneven. Face Proverb (пословица) The face is the index of the mind.A good face is the letter of recommendation.Что в сердце варится, на лице не утаится.Хорошее лицо все равно что рекомендательное письмо. Face can be: 1. round круглое 2. long длинное 3. to have a long face(to have an unhappy, bored expression) иметь унылый вид 4. thin/chubby худое \ полнощекое 5. pale бледное 6. pretty/ugly хорошенькое, прелестное \уродливое 7. good-humoured добродушное 8. plain простое, обыкновенное 9. expressive выразительное 10. with a round pointed double decided chin с круглым острым двойным решительным подбородком 11. with hollow/rosy cheeks с впалыми/ румяными щеками 12. with bushy/arched/thin eyebrows с косматыми/ тонкими, полукругом тонко очерченными бровями 13. complexion цвет лица 14. pale/florid бледный/цветущий What can be found on the face freckles wrinkles a beauty spot a scar a dimple to wear spectacles moustache, also mustache (Am) beard stubble whiskers веснушкиморщиныродинкашрамямочканосить очкиусыбородащетинабакенбарды The eyes are the window of the soul. The heart's letter is read in the eyes. You look at the world around you with eyes which can be: hazel brown grey blue almond be almond-eyed intelligent mischievous with long/curving eyelashes slanting светло-коричневыекариесерыеголубыеминдалевидныес миндалевидным разрезом глазумныеозорной, шаловливыйС длинными/загнутыми ресницамикосой e.g. The girl was blue-eyed. Eyes may be large or small. They may be close-set, wide-set, deep-set or bulging. The eyebrows may be bushy or pencilled. The eyelashes may be long or short, dense or rare. Ears may be big or small Cheeks may be rosy or pale (if a person is ill), plump or hollow (if a person is very thin). Some people have dimples in their cheeks when they laugh. A chin may be large or small, round or protruding.