Презентация на тему Travelling around the English-speaking countries
LOOK & GUESS (Try to remember) All about English- speaking countries
Interesting facts and things, rarities;
Famous people and events;
Weird and wonderful wildlife;
Peculiar food and drinks;
Amusing vocabulary.
How did it start? It started in the 1600s, when the British began to settle the eastern part of North America. (New England). Those were Puritans.
And then Pilgrims-- members of the band of English Puritans , who sailed to America in September 1620. Who were the Puritans? a) native Americans of the Atlantic coast
b) a religious group who objected to the rituals of the Church of England
c) people who believed in the Church of Rome Puritans A religious group who objected to the rituals of the Church of EnglandThey wanted to “purify” the religion and to make it stricter and simpler in ceremonies and forms. They were very strict about the way people lived. For example? When a sea captain back from a voyage kissed his wife on the doorstep, he was punished. Пуритане– радикально настроенные протестанты, приверженцы пуританства, религиозного движения, возникшего в 60-ые XVI века. Они хотели очистить англиканскую церковь от католицизма. Считали, что не следует скреплять браки кольцами, осенять себя крестом, вставать на колени при молении, отказаться от пышных одеяний священнослужителей. The very first European settlers of North America. Who were the Pilgrims? a) Settlers who left their home for the New World in search of religious freedom.
b) The Indians who began settling in America about 25,000 years ago.
c) Yankees who are known for being honest but shrewd, realistic and to-the-point, practical rather than romantic, thrifty, principled, independent. Pilgrims Well-educated, industrious, peace-loving people who dreamed to worship God in the way they wanted.120 passengers of the ship called “Mayflower” hoping to get rich or just running away to save their livesПилигрим– чужеземец, странствующий богомолец.Around 35 million Americans are linked by blood to one or more of the 102 pilgrims who came to America on the Mayflower in 1620.By 1640 there were 35,000 English settlers in North America.In the fall of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They celebrated Thanksgiving feast with turkey, corn, beans, and pumpkins. Which is the largest state in America? a) Texas; b) Alaska; c) California. The United States comprises of 50 states. The smallest state is Rhode Island, which has an area of around 4,002 sq km and the largest state by area is Alaska, which has 1,717,854 sq km of land. This country has wonderful landscapes. Nevada desert Wild west Death Valley Who was the president of the USA during the World War II Reference On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama (1961 г.), Honolulu, Hawaii became the 44th and current president. On November 6, 2012, he was re-elected and is currently serving the 57th term. The next presidential election is scheduled to take place on November 8, 2016; on January 20, 2017, the newly elected president will take office.Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 –1945), also known by his initials, FDR, was the 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945) and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war. The only American president elected to more than two termsTaft, William Howard (1857—1930) was the 27th president, also known as “Big Bill”,was the largest president in American history. He once got himself wedged into the White House bathtub and had to call his advisers for help getting out. Where was ice-hockey first played? A in America
B in Britain
C in Canada in Canada В городе базируется старейший и самый титулованный клуб НХЛ «Монреаль Канадиенс».Ancient drawings were found on walls of caves and on rock faces that depict people hitting a ball with a curved stick. Such pictures date back as far as 4000 years in Egypt.The North American region known as Canada. The very first ever official nhl game was played December 19th 1917, the match was between the Montreal wonderers and the Toronto arenas, the first goal ever scored in the nhl was by Dave Ritchie of the Montreal wonderers, the Montreal wonderers won that game 10-9. What European country did the first settlers arrive from? Who founded Montreal?
Vikings The east coast of Canada was settled by Vikings around the year A.D. 1000. Archaeological evidence of a settlement has been found in Newfoundland. In 1642, a group of religious mystics from France were inspired by a vision to build a missionary city in the Canadian wilderness. they founded Montreal Canada became a country on July 1, 1867, when the British North America Act was passed by the British Parliament. Canadian taiga Amusing information The name “Canada” is an amusing linguistic error, resulting from a misunderstanding by Jacques Cartier, a French explorer. When Cartier was visiting the new world, the indigenous people attempted to invite him to visit their village. The word for “village” in the indigenous tongue was “kanata.” Cartier misunderstood, and believed they were referring to the entire country as “Kanata.” As such, he referred to the country as “Kanata,” which is how it received its current name, “Canada.” In the year 1915, a black bear cub from Canada named Winnipeg, or “Winnie,” was donated to a zoo in London. Christopher Robin Milne, then a child, saw the bear cub and quickly decided it was one of his favorite animals in the park. His father, A.A. Milne, took this as part of the inspiration for his Winnie-the-Pooh stories.Canada is known as the home of large animals like the moose and grizzly bear, but it is also home to about 55,000 species of insects and about 11,000 species of mites and spiders. What is the symbol of Scotland? a) red rose
b) thistle
c) shamrock
d) daffidil Where was the unfortunate ship ‘Titanic’ built and launched from?a) New Yorkb) Belfastc) Canberra The unfortunate ship ‘Titanic’ was built and launched from Belfast Harbor in Northern Ireland. 10 апреля 1912 года «Титаник» отправился из Саутгемптона в свой единственный рейс.В 2:20 15 апреля, разломившись на две части, «Титаник» затонул, унеся жизни 1496 человек.На момент ввода в эксплуатацию являлся самым большим судном в мире. В ночь с 14 на 15 апреля 1912 года во время первого рейса потерпел крушение в северной Атлантике, столкнувшись с айсбергомВодоизмещение52 310Длина269,1 м[комм. Ширина28,19 мВысота17,5 мВ Шербуре с корабля сошло 24 человекаЧетыре спасшихся во время крушения офицера «Титаника». Слева-направо:Гарольд Лоу, Чарльз Лайтоллер, Джозеф Боксхолл и Герберт Питман Most of Australia's exotic flora and fauna cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Australia has nearly half a million species of plants and animals.Australia has a huge number of bird species – about three times as many as Europe. More than 400 species of reptiles are known in Australia. What animals can be seen on Australia’s coat-of-arms? a) The koala and rabbit.b) The kangaroo and emu.c) The dingo and platypus. What bird sounds
like a human laughing?
a) Australian parrot
b) kookaburra
c) boomerang The emu is the most interesting bird in Australia. It is big and cannot fly.
The kangaroo The kookaburra cannot sing, but laughs like a human.
When was Australia discovered? Australia was discovered in 1770 by Captain James Cook New Zealand is an island country of kiwis, rugby, Mount Cook, Waitomo Glowworm Cave and the famous bungee jumping: New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. What animal has got the most population in the 5th English-speaking country? a) the rabbit
b) the sheep
c) the parrot Astonishingly, the population of sheep in New Zealand is much higher than that of humans. There are about 10 sheep per person in this country. Which of them is
the symbol
Of New Zealand? the kiwi-birdУ Новой Зеландии много символов. Однако самый главный и самый узнаваемый –новозеландская нелетающая птичка киви. Киви – некрупные птицы, размером с небольшую курицу. Вес киви составляет от 1, 4 до 4 кг. Крылья у киви не развиты. Соответственно летать киви не могут, а могут лишь бегать. Тело у киви имеет грушевидную форму. Голова маленькая, а шея короткая. Хвост у киви отсутствует, а перья напоминают густую шерсть. Именно за сходство с этой птицей получил свое название и фрукт киви, который был выведен в Новой Зеландии. Настоящие правильные киви растут как виноград, и их "растения" называется лоза!Кстати, шутливое прозвище новозеландцев– тоже “киви” потому, что подобно маленьким бескрылым птичкам они много спят и не утруждают себя делами. TaumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahuBelieve it or not, Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu is the official name of a hill located in the beautiful country of New Zealand. It is also one of the longest words in the English language.It is a Māori. The word can be exactly translated as, 'The hill where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, who slid, climbed up, and swallowed mountains, to travel the land, known as the Land Eater, played his flute to his loved one.' Tamatea was an explorer and a warrior who is believed to have explored this land and the Ōtamatea river. According to a legend, he explored two harbors called Hokianga and Kaipara, and later sailed down the east coast where his boat wrecked. It is also believed that Tamatea's brother was killed in one of the tribal battles, and hence, Tamatea would play a lament on his flute every morning at the hilltop in the memory of his brother. Hence, he acquired this gigantic name.