Презентація з англійської мови Teenagers problems

Everybody says your youth is probably the best time of your life that being young means romance, love, new discoveries and so on. But it is also the most difficult time because you have to make some very important decisions which will influence all your future life. Problems The problem of love Relationship with friends Money Generation gap Education Bad habits Ambitions The changes of our society Lack of good life Violence Misunderstandings Youth is the time to meet your first love. It is, of course, wonderful, but, as it is widely known that first love often has an unhappy end, this also increases young people’s problems. Every teen need some money of his own. Your parents probably will provide you with home, food and necessary clothes, but you will have your own tastes, and your parents won’t pay for them. You have to work, and in our country it is very difficult for a teenager to find a job without any qualification. The generation gap is a very big problem. But on the one hand parents should help their children and on the other hand teens must trust their parents and try to find in their parents more positive than negative traits. Bad habits such as smoking, alcoholism and drug-habit is a very big problem. In fact teenagers don’t realize how wrong and dangerous it is. Sometimes friends stop finding common language, can’t understand each other, and then they quarrel with each other. You must try to explain each other points of view, to be an easy- going person, to be kind and tolerant to others and it will be all ok with your friends. For our future it is essential to have a good job. And to get a really good job we have to be well-educated. So as you see it is very difficult to be young nowadays and it has always been so. But you can only be young once, and some wonderful things can happen when you are young. So, it is better to enjoy youth while it lasts. 1) www.english.kulichki.net‎2) www.all-5.ru3) www.festival.1september.ru4) www.yaklass.ru 5) www.stgau.ru6) www.art.ioso.ru7) www.proza.ru8) www.5ballov.qip.ru9) www.sochineniya-referati.ru10) www.vuz.zaznai.ru