Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку на тему Преимущества и недостатки телевидения (6 класс)

Do you like to watch TV?Do you often watch TV?What TV channels do you prefer?Do you watch TV before or after you have done your homework?What is more interesting to watch: a film or cartoon?(фильм или мультфильм)What is you favourite cartoon?Why do you like it?What is you favourite film? What is television? Television, also called TV, is one of our most important means of communication. It brings moving pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. The name “Television” comes from the Greek word meaning “far”, and the Latin word meaning “to see”, so the word “television” means “to see far”.

From the history of TVJohn Logie Baird was born in Helensburgh, Scotland, in August 13, 1888. He was the first person in the world to demonstrate a working television system, in January 1926.

Advantages / Disadvantages To relax, to receive information, sitting at home, to see and listen to famous people, to study foreign languages, to buy things for you, to travel round the world without wasting money…To become lazy, to have no time to speak to or see friends and relatives, to damage your eyes, to sleep badly, too much radiation in the room… Hobbies
I have a big collection of c____.Now we do it t_______.There are more than 200 coins from d_________ countries in our collection.Collecting coins isn’t e____, you know.You should know much about different c__________ and their p_______.I haven’t got any m_______ Russian coins in my c___________.oinsogetherifferentasyountrieseopleodernollections


The news - новостиComedy Cartoon - мультфильмSoap opera / Soap - мыльная операVideo clipQuiz show - викторинаFilmDocumentary DramaSportScience fiction - фантастикаTV programmes:
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