Презентация по английскому языку на тему The Structural Organization of the Human Body (1 курс медицинского колледжа, специальности Сестринское дело, Лечебное дело, Акушерское дело)
The Structural Organization
of the Human Body Parts of the Human Body The human body consists of three parts: the head the trunk and the limbs
The head consists of the face and the skull The trunk consists of the chest and the abdomen We have the upper limbs
and the lower limbs. The face contains cheeks a forehead eyebrows eyes a nose a mouth lips a chin The mouth contains the tongue,
the salivary glands,
the palate,
the gums,
the jaws,
and the teeth. We have 32 teeth which are incisor teeth,
canine teeth, premolar teeth,
and molar teeth. The upper limbs consist of a shoulder a forearm a wrist an elbow a palm a thumb fingers The lower limbs consist of hip knee calf shin ankle toes big toe The internal organs of the human body are The skull contains
the brain. The major organs of the chest arethe heart and the lungs. The major organs of the abdomen are liver stomach gallbladder pancreas intestine The Skeleton The skull consists of the frontal bone the temporal bone the occipital bone the parietal bone The face consists of the lower jaw the upper jaw the lacrimal bone the nasal bone the zygomatic bone The spine consists of 7 cervical vertebrae 12 dorsal vertebrae 5 lumbar vertebrae 5 sacral vertebrae 4 – 5 coccygeal vertebrae The chest consists of the ribs and the thorax. The shoulder girdle consists of the scapulas and
the clavicles The upper limb consists of the humerus the radius the ulna and the phalanges. The pelvic girdle consists of the sacrum and the pelvis The lower limb consists of femur tibia fibula phalanges