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School English-speaking countries Schooling in EnglandSchooling in England Most of the guys in England enrol in 5 years at the preparatory courses, and then in 7 years begin to learn in elementary school, and in 11 the age of transfer to secondary school. And secondary education in England can be obtained either in the same institution where the training took place before, or at the College. school uniforms EnglandMany European countries maintain uniforms in schools. This garment may belong to one or another school. Not all countries and schools that they have taken the form and it is mandatory. However, the presence of the same service for pupils is some element of discipline. The tradition of dressing their school charges was first introduced in the country conservative device, England. School uniforms in England, which was very first presented was in blue. Selected for uniform was blue, as it was possible to teach a child to humility. Another important fact was the cheapness of such material taken from school subjects in EnglandIn English private school training program is saturated to the maximum: from 8.30 to 17.30 (with lunch break) , children are engaged in lessons, sports, extra-curricular activities in circles. Then a break for two hours for dinner and rest. In the evening, the children have to prepare their homework and 21.00-22.00 (depending on age) go to sleep. In private boarding schools in England teach the following subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, anatomy and human biology, sociology, political science, law, statistics, history, music, art, computers and programming, English language, English literature, religion. Also teach one or more foreign languages (French, German, Spanish and others ) in Addition to the core subjects in every school in England there are more, such as Latin, fundamentals of business, Economics and others.