Презентация к уроку английского языка Великие умы, 8 класс, УМК Английский в фокусе

МАОУ Заревская средняя общеобразовательная школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов г.о. Домодедово с. РастуновоУрок английского языка«Великие умы»8 классПодготовила:учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категорииМедведева Наталья Валерьевна

Lesson: Great MindsEarth SciencePhysicsBiologyAstronomyLiteratureChemistryPoliticsEarth ScienceSociologyPsychology


Aims and the tasks of the lessonto develop speaking skills on the topic of the lessonto develop listening and reading skillsto learn about great people and what theyhave accomplishedto revise and enlarge vocabulary

Reading: Animals in the air Before reading (p.42):What do you know about hot-air balloons?What do you expect the text to be about? Listen and check

Reading: Choose the correct answerJoseph Montgolfier got the idea for flying machine when …he saw a smoke in a fireplace.he saw pieces of paper flying.he watched a shirt drying.

Reading: Choose the correct answer2. Joseph hoped to be a(n) …scientist.engineer.performer.

Reading: Choose the correct answer3. They burned straw to …help the balloon go up.make the balloon lighter.make the balloon go fast.

Reading: Choose the correct answer4. The first flight was watched by …the king only.just the Montgolfier brothers.a lot of people.

Reading: Choose the correct answer5. The Montgolfier brothers asked the king’s permission to …send animals up in the balloon.send young men only.send some people.

Match the words in the columnscame to conclusioncatchliftdecidedcapturetestsexperimentspresentedsafe and soundraisenot in dangershowed

Fill in: raise, lift, put upIf you have any questions, please ……. your hand …… .John …….. the glass to his lips.This sofa is really heavy. Help me ……. it.raiseraised/liftedlift

Fields of scienceScienceNATURALSOCIALAPPLIED

HW: Writing a letter (ex.7 p. 43)
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