Презентация по английскому языку на тему Fun Time, для учащихся 9 кл., учебник Кузовлева (тема Моя страна в мире)
Just for Fun Unit 6
Samuel Johnson was an English writer and the author of the famous Dictionary of the English Language. Once a gentleman asked him how he had complied his great dictionary. He smiled and answered, “Oh, it was like quarrelling with my wife – one word led to another”.
I can forgive Alfred Nobel for having invented dynamite, but only a fiend* in a human form could have invented the Nobel Prize.George Bernard Show ____________________ ______________________*злой дух
He’s a brilliant linguist. He speaks Esperanto like a native.
- Is there a word in the English language which contains all the vowels?- Unquestionably!
- Did you have any difficulty with your English in London?- No, but English people did!
Not only is England an island but every Englishman as well.
Teacher: Mary, where is the English Channel?Pupil: I don’t know. We can’t get it on our TV…
Thank you for your attention!Made by Nadezhda BezrukovaVil. Efimovskij