Heart diseases(Заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы)
Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Arrhythmia - a variety of deviation and arrhythmias heartbeat.Normal heart rate in humans of 60-90 beats per minute.Arrhythmias occur in diseases of the central and autonomic nervous systems, endocrine diseases, myocardial injury.
Atherosclerosis - is a chronic disease that affects large and medium arteries.In this disease in the inner lining of arteries is delayed cholesterol.
Hypertension - is increased tone of arterial vessels.As a result of increased blood pressure, which entails various pathological changes in the organs and systems of the body.Normally blood pressure 120/80.
Myocardial infarction - a disease caused by damage to the heart muscle - the myocardium - caused by blockage a coronary artery, which may result from of atherosclerosis.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) - a disease that develops when there is insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart muscle by the coronary arteries. The most common reason for this - coronary atherosclerosis.
Heart failure - a pathological condition caused by failure of the heart as a pump, to provide adequate circulation.
Angina - a form of coronary artery disease, characterized by paroxysmal pain in the heart, due to acute failure of myocardial perfusion.