Презентация страноведческому материалу для 5 класса по теме «Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии»

THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND T h a m e s a l o n d o n i d v r w a l e s o r s c o t l a n d b a g p i p e o o k i l t This is _________ . Scotland. Northern Ireland Scotland England. England Wales Wales. Northern Ireland. This is This is This is This is This is _________ . This is This is Great Britain. Scotland England Wales the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Test yourself Test yourself The capital of ____ is _____ . The capital of Scotland is The capital of England is The capital of Wales is The capital of Northern Ireland is The capital of the United Kingdom is Edinburgh. Scotland England Wales Northern Ireland London. Cardiff. Belfast. London. Edinburgh Belfast London Cardiff Test yourself The flag of _____ is _______ . The flag of is blue and white. The flag of is red and white. The flag of is red, green and white. Scotland England Wales The flag of ______ is ______. The flag of is red, white and the red hand. The flag of is red, blue and white. The flag of is red, blue and white. Northern Ireland Russia The UK The symbol of _____ is _____ . The symbol of is a . The symbol of is a red . The symbol of is a . Scotland England Wales thistle rose daffodil The symbol of ______ is ________. The symbol of is a . Northern Ireland shamrock Test yourself 1.The official name of the country is…а)Great Britainб)the United Kingdom of Great Britainс)the United Kingdom of Great Britain  and Northern Ireland2. The UK consists of … parts.а)4б)3с)11 Test yourself 3. The capital of Great Britain is…а)Edinburghб)Londonс)Cardiff4. … is the nearest neighbour to Great Britainа)Denmarkб)Franceс)Greece Test yourself 5. The … Ocean washes the UK.а)atlanticб)Pacificс)Indian6. People who live in Britain are …а)the Englishб)the Britishс)the Scots Test yourself 7. The population of Great Britain is… million people.а)56б)100с)5 8. Children attend school up to…а)14б)16с)18 Test yourself The most popular sport in Britain is…а)footballб)cricketс)tennis10. The most popular leisure pastime in Britain is…а)watching TVб)reading booksс)sightseeing