Презентация к мероприятию «Здоровое питание залог здоровья» (7 класс)
Teacher : Protsenko Ann VladimirovnaIn 7 formSchool 15
Red foods get moving. They give you that extra boost when you really need it the most. What is more, eating foods in this group will protect you from many serious illnesses& can keep older people active for longer. So, have you got a big game tonight? Then go ahead & treat yourself to one or even two of your favourite red foods.
Orange foods are brain food. They helpyou keep your mind on things & really improve your powers of concentration. On the physical side, foods like mangoes, oranges & peaches have lots of vitamin C. This is important because that is the vitamin that vitamin that helps your body fight off infections. As everyone knows, carrots are also are also fantastic for your eyesight.
«Что вредно и чтополезно»
Блюда должны быть не только полезными, вкусными. Но и красиво рассервированны .
Позаботьтесь о своем здоровье
Здоровое питание - крепкое здоровье и долголетие.
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