Учебный проект Пища для ума
Starting the project Did you know that: During a lifetime the average person eats about 35 tonnes of food?
Snickers is the most popular candy bar in America? Every month, nine out of 10 American children visit a McDonald's restaurant?
Today the average American child sees more than 10,000 food advertisements each year on television? Children and teenagers consume more than 64 gallons of soft drinks per year? What food is healthy? What food is unhealthy? Are you a healthy eater? Breakfast
1. How often do you eat breakfast?
Every day
Only when I have time.
My life is, like, hectic!
Never 2. What do you tend to eat?
Sweet cereal or white toast
Cereal or brown toast and fruit juice
Crisps or a chocolate bar Snacking
3. How often do you eat sugary or salty snacks like biscuits and crisps?
Regularly throughout the day.
It's OK somebiscuits have raisins in them
Once a day
Every other day or less Fruit and veg
4. How often do you eat fruit and veg?
I try to get at least five portions a day
One portion or less a day.
I'm more of a ready meal girl
Two or three portions a day Takeaways and junk food
5. How often do you eat them?
Once a month or less
Once a week
As often as possible! Yum. 6. Your favourite things to order are:
Fried rice
Creamy sauces like korma
Fried chicken or chicken
nuggets Drinks
7 How much water do you drink a day?
One glass or less
Six to eight glasses
Three to four glasses 8 When you're thirsty, you drink?
A sugar-free drink
A fizzy drink
A glass of water or juice Salt
9 How much salt do you eat daily?
6g. I check the labels 'cause I know more than 6g is bad for my heart!
About 8g
Er - a lot - Is that bad? Now count your score! 1 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
2 a) 2 b) 1 c) 3
3 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
4 a) 1 b) 3 c) 2
5 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
6 Score 3 for each one you ticked
7 a) 3 b) 1 c) 2
8 a) 2 b) 3 c) 1
9 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 8-17 Smug twiglet 26-42 Couch potato 18-25 Lapsing lettuce What is your score??? План действий: Распределение тем по группамРаспределение обязанностейСоставление плана работыПоиск необходимой информации в ИнтернетеАнализ информации, ее систематизацияСоздание Wiki-страницы проекта Group 1: Couch potatoes You don’t know anything about healthy food! Analyze what do children in your school prefer to eat. Make a survey. Is their diet healthy or not? Make a brochure on healthy eating. Проведите опрос среди учащихся вашей школы с целью выявить чем питается современная молодежь. Проанализируйте является ли их диета полезной или нет. Составьте брошюру о полезном питании. Brochure Article on healthy eating Group 2: Lapsing lettuces Analyze the menu of your school canteen and . Make the list of products that must be in the ration of a schoolchild. Проанализируйте информацию полученную в результате опроса, проведенного первой группой и меню школьной столовой на неделю. Составьте два списка продуктов: то что должно входить в рацион школьника и то, чего там быть не должно. Table of food
recommended for
organizing school meals Article on food good for
our brains Group 3: Smug twiglets Your task is to make your variant of the menu for a week using the results of the survey and the list of products made by the first two groups. Ваша задача составить меню школьной столовой на неделю используя предпочтения ребят и таблицу калорийности продуктов, представленную второй группой. Your variant of
the school menu Good luck!