Презентация по английскому языку What nice weather (5 класс)
Ақбақай орта мектебі Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Балтабаева Гүлнұр The theme:“What nice weather!” Form:6 Білімділік:1. Тақырыпқа байланысты жаңа сөздер мен сөз тіркестерінің қолданылуын үйрету.2. What the weather like today? “It is _________ . It was __________.” структураларының осы шақ, өткен шақ формаларында қолданылуын қайталау.Дамытушылық: Салауатты сөйлеу шеберлігін тыңдау, оқу, жазу және шығармашылық ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту.Тәрбиелік:Жыл мезгілдері мен ауа райының әрбір кезеңдерінің адамға тигізетін ықпалын, әсерін оқушылардың бойына сіңіру, тәрбиелеу. Lesson – combined Questions – answers, songs, writing, reading, speaking, riddles.Slides, book, vocabulary, thermometer, pictures Procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment.
II. Checking up home task.
III. Checking up knowledge of pupils.
IV. To give the aim of the lesson.
V. To explane the new theme.
VI. Fixing
VII. Conclusion. Giving marks.
VIII. Home work.
I. Organization moment.
- Good morning, pupils!
- Good morning, Good morning!
- Good morning, to you
- Good morning, Good morning!
- We are glad to see you!
- Thank you sit down.
- Who is on duty today?
- Is anybody absent in your class today?
- What season is it now?
- What month is it now?
- What the weather today?
- What date is it today?
- And what day is it today?
- Every pupil mark themselves! Ex: 5. p:80. Two people are talking about Madrid. Put the words in speaker B’s answers in the correct order.When’s a good time to visit Madrid?You should go in the spring.Where do you think I should stay?You should stay in a hotel.What places do you think I should see?You should see the world Zoo.Anything else?You shouldn’t miss sea world.And does Madrid have any good museums?Yes, you should go to the Museum of ArtAnd what about shopping? Is Madrid good for shopping?Yes, you should go to Old Town for shopping.Thank’s, I’m sure I’ll have a good holiday. II. Checking up home task III. Checking up knowledge of pupils.Cambridge is in the south of England?It’s an old city? In what country do you live?In what village do you live?How many season in a year?Which season is it at the moment?Is the weather hot and sunny today? Phonetic drill“The weather song”What’s the weather?What’s the weather?What’s the weather like today?Tell us studentsWhat’s the weather?What’s the weather like today?Is it sunny?Is it cloudy?Is it cloudy out today?Is it snowy?Is it windy?What’s the weather like today? IV.To give the aim of the lesson.Today we have demonstrative lesson and the theme of our lesson is “What nice weather” The main aim to learn about weather in the world and in our village. To give the new words. I hope that you will show us what you know about weather.Open your books at page 82. Repeat after me. Very nice! Chilly [ tƒili ] - суық Dry [ drai ] – құрғақ Warm [ wכּ:m ] –жылы Wet [ wet ] – дымқыл Cold [ kould ] – суық Hot [ hכּt ] – ыстық Snowy [ snәui ] - қарлы Foggy [ fכּgi] – тұманды Cloudy [ klaudi ] – бұлтты Windy [ windi ] – желді Rainy [ reini ] – жаңбырлы Sunny [ s٨ni ]– күнді V. To explane the new theme.E.x: +18° С (it is 18 digress above zero) - 10° С (it is 10 digress below zero) + 20° С (it was 20 digress above zero) - 5° С ( it was 5 digress below zero)Женевада бүгін + 17° С. Кеше +20° С болды.Берлинде бүгін - 10° С. Кеше -15° С болды.Астанада бүгін - 15° С. Кеше + 20° С болды.Алматыда бүгін - 7° С. Кеше + 10° С болды. VI. Fixing
1) Ex: 3 p:82.
Which city was the hottest? Which city was the coldest?
Which month do you think it is?
Word Weather: yesterday
Moscow Jeneva 21 Fg Los Angeles London S = sunny C = cloudy
R = rainy Sn = snowy Fg = foggy 29 S Hong Kong 31 R Bombey Berlin 18 S
Rome 2) Ex: 1. Write the correct word under each symbol. 3) Ex: 5 Read. Think about the weather in your place and write ESSEIt’s too cold in the winter.The weather is very changeable.It’s too windy.There’s too much fog in the winter.It’s too hot in the summer.There isn’t enough snow in the winter.There’s too much rain.There isn’t enough rain in the summer.It isn’t hot enough in the summer. 4) Weather Riddles.№1.The season between spring and autumn when the sun is hot №2.The season between winter and summer when birds come back from hot countries №3. The season between autumn and spring when it is cold and there is lot of snow№4. I always shine bright. You can’t see me when it is dark. I am ______№5.I am white and light. I make no sound while falling to the ground. I am ___ №6. When the clouds become black as night, I fall onto the ground. Take your umbrella so as not to get soaked. I am _____ You were very active. Thank you very much. Now, we know that every thing is good in its season - Every pupil mark themselves!