Презентация на тему Части тела в контексте ФГОС (3 класс) по УМК М.З.Биболетова

“Parts of the Body” Form 3 “в” Учитель:Слепухина Ольга Николаевна Phonetics drills(фонетическая разминка) [ai] - [ai] - [ai] [əʊ]- [əʊ] - [əʊ]- [ʃəʊldə] [I :]- [I :] -[I :] - [fI : t] - [t I :θ] [au] - [au] - [au] - [mauθ] [u:] - [u:] - [u:] - [fu:t] [ai] – ice-cream, eyes, nice, kind, bye, fly [I :] - eagle, ear, street, meet , see, knee. [əʊ] - go, no, nose, toe, toes, shoulder Parts of body Parts of the Body 1. Head, face, eye, ear, nose, mouth, hair, neck. 2. Shoulder, arm, hand, finger. 3. Knee, toe, foot, feet, body. Let’s sing and do it! Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, Eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose, Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. head body hair foot arm ear shoulder neck face hand mouth toe teeth knee nose Work in groups What do we do with? We smell with our ___nose____, We see with our ____eyes_____, We eat with our ____mouth____ Tasty puddings and pies. With _legs___ and __feet___ we walk, And with our ____ears____ We can hear. You must Clean You must Wash PROVEB “Two ??? are better than one”. Complete the Robot (work in pairs) 1. What do you see with? Ex: I see with eyes 2. What do you clap with? 3. What do you hear with? 4. What do you walk with? 5. What do you eat with? 6. What do you smell with? Look at the picture and describe the Ufo. It is funny and nice. It has got four big ears. Рефлексия Сегодня на уроке: Я узнал… Было трудно… Было интересно… Я научился… Мне захотелось… У меня получилось… Make a doll , a robot, a monster and describe it. Home task Thank you for attention!