Would you like some juice?

Good afternoon! The golden rules Be active (белсенді бол)Be attentive (зерделі бол)Be emotional (жалынды бол)Don’t interrupt each other (бір-біріңнін сөзін бөлмеу)Don’t say I don’t (істей алмаймын деп айтпа)First think then speak (бірінші ойлан, сосын сөйле) Checking up the home task Homework «Веер» әдісі The 25th of February. Cөздікпен жұмыс Lemonade-лимонадPepsi - пепсиCake-тортSalad-салатCoca-cola-кока-колаWater- суSandwich-сандвичTea-шайKymyz-қымыз Pizza- пиццаChocolate-шоколадMilk -сүтOrange-апельсинBanana-бананHamburger-гамбургерApple juice-алма шырыныMeat-етCoffee-кофе «Кластер» әдісі We are learning history now. It is spring now. There are many desks in the class. True or false There is a bath in the bed-room. We are learning English lesson now. The elephants come from India Сергіту сәті “Some” болымды сөйлемдерде қолданылады. There are some apples on the table.“Any” болымсыз және сұраулы сөйлемдерде қолданылады.Is there any water in the glass?I haven’t got any sisters and brothers. “Some” сұраулы сөйлемдерде, біреуден бір нәрсе сұрағанда немесе біреуге бір нәрсе ұсынғанда қолданылады.Can I have some tea?Would you like some coffee? Some, any.1. There are _____ pictures in the book.2. Are there ____ new students in your group?3. There are _____ old houses in our street.4. Are there ____English text-books on the desk? 5. Are there ____maps on the wall?- No there aren’t6. Are there ___ pens on the desk? – 7. Have you got ____ English-books at home? 8. Are there ___ sweets in your bag? 9. Is there ___ paper on your table? 10. I haven’t got ___ exercise-books.11. We haven’t got ___ milk.12. There are ____ schools in this street.13. Do you want ____ milk in your coffee? some any some any any any any any any any any some any Food Drink Fruits “Ой қозғау” Exercise-2The 1st groupColin: Would you like some juice?Dmitry: No, thanks. I don’t drink juice.Colin: How about some Coke?Dmitry: Yes, please.Colin: Here you are.Dmitry: Thank you.Exercise-3 The 2nd groupWould you like some juice?No, thank you.How about some mineral water?Yes, please. Exercise-8The 3rd groupDo you like pizza?No, I don’tDo you like salad?Yes, I do. Would you like some salad?Yes, please. Dialogue There isжекеше түрдегі зат есімдермен қолданылады. There areкөпше түрдегі зат есімдермен қолданылады. 1. _______ two chairs in my room.2. ______ a big table in the kitchen.3. ______a dining-room in my flat.4. _______ five pictures in the living –room.5. _______ a carpet in the dining –room.6 . _______ two arm-chairs in the living –room.7. _______a toilet in our flat.8. _______ three bookshelves in the bedroom. Fill in there is or there are There are There are There is There are There is There is There are There is Формативті бағалау “Өте жақсы” “жақсы” “Орта” Your marks for the lesson are С.Т.Биназарова Үй тапсырмасы: Ex: 12 What’s this word? S A E S O E S P Z Z B A S C K Ex: 13 Write the dialogues with food, fruit and drink words. Thanks for attention!