Упражнения на отработку лексических навыков к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. Enjoy English 6 класс

Enjoy English 6- th form 2 term ex. 4 p.103 Fill in: fights against kinds of insects a kind nurse joined the society a local volleyball team The Zoological Society of London…cruelty to animals.John…of young scientists.London Zoo has over 5000… .Willy is fond of volleyball. He wants to join… .When I was ill my mother like a …looked after me. Fill in: with a shark saves endangered animals kinds all over the world the natural world Greenpeace organization …like the giant panda or the black rhino. … is animals, birds and flowers.What … of animals can we see at the zoo?My family and I like travelling. Together we travel … . The diver’s leg is hurt. He fought … .