Инсценировка сказки Три поросёнка на английском языке
Инсценировка сказки «The three little pigs»
для учащихся 3 класса
Сцена 1
Aвтор 1(Адисса): Hello, nice to see you, boys and girls!!! Look! Who is this?
Naff-Naff (Никита): Hello! My name is Naff-Naff. I am a nice little pig! I can sing!
Nuff-Nuff (Артем): Hi! My name is Nuff-Nuff! I`m a kind little pig. I can dance!
Niff-Niff (Бато): Good morning, everybody! Nice to meet you! I`m Niff-Niff! I`m a clever little pig. I can read.
Автор 2 (Альбина): But a big grey wolf lives in the forest. He is always hungry and horrible!
3 pigs: We are happy little pigs, little pigs, little pigs
Big grey wolf won`t scare us, scare, scare us!
Сцена 2
Naff-Naff: Oh, brothers! We must stop dancing! It`ll be winter soon! We must build houses! Let`s go!
Niff-Niff and Nuff-Nuff: Yes! Yes! It`s a good idea!
Albina: The first little pig Niff-Niff gets some straw. And he starts to build a house of straw.
Niff-Niff: I`ve got a straw house! A nice straw house!
Adissa: The second pig Nuff-Nuff gets some wood. And he starts to build a house of wood.
Nuff-Nuff: I`ve got a wooden house! A new wooden house!
Albina: The third pig Naff-Naff is very clever! He gets some bricks!
Look! He is building a house of bricks!
Adissa: Now all the houses are ready!
3 pigs: We are happy little pigs, little pigs, little pigs
Big grey wolf won`t scare us, scare, scare us!
Сцена 3
Albina: Every day the Wolf is watching the pigs!
Wolf: I can smell the pigs! I want to eat a nice little pig for lunch! I1m hungry!
Niff-Niff: Here is Big Grey Wolf!
Nuff-Nuff: Big Grey Wolf? Where?
Naff-Naff: Let`s run to our houses! (убегают от волка, прячутся в своих домах)
Волк подбегает к первому домику
Wolf: I want to eat you!
Ниф-Ниф убегает к Нуф-Нуфу, и там они вдвоем прячутся.
Ко второму домику волк прибежал
Wolf: I want to eat you, silly pigs!
Niff-Niff кричит Нуф-Нуфу: Let`s run to Naff-Naff! His house is good!
Бегут к третьему домику. Волк за ними.
Nuff-Nuff: Brother! Help us!
Niff-Niff: The Wolf is running after us!
Wolf стучит в дверь: Open the door! I must eat you!
Naff-Naff уверенно: Go away, Wolf! You won`t scare us!
Волк никак не может сдуть домик.
Go away! We all will beat you! Wooo!
Разочарованный уходит. Naff-Naff радостно: Now let`s have tea, brothers!
Albina: The 3 little pigs are happy. The Wolf is away. Their house is very good and strong.
3 pigs: We are happy little pigs, little pigs, little pigs
Big grey wolf won`t scare us, scare, scare us!
Adissa: The end.
Необходимы: 1) одинаковые маски для трёх поросят;
2) костюм волку;
3) домики из ватмана, солома, ветки и кирпичики;
4) книжка, чашки, печенье, булочки, джем;
5) музыкальное сопровождение – фонограмма.
Ведущие в нарядной одежде.