Экзаменационные вопросы, 1 курс, 40.02.02 ПД


Рассмотрено предметно-цикловой комиссией
Русского, английского языков и литературы

Протокол № от

«____»________ 2016 г.
Ломакина М.А.

по дисциплине:
Иностранный язык
40.02.02 Правоохранительная деятельность
Курс 1 Семестр 2

Заместитель директора по учебной работе

«___»_______2016 г.

Вопросы с ответами

Тема№1 Моя семья-мое богатство.
What is the father?
What is father’s character?
How old is the mother?
Are the parents a well-matched pair?
Where do the members of the family like to spe
· to talk about different things or watch TV. We are really good and happy family because we respect each other.

Тема№2 Распорядок дня. Планирование рабочего времени.

1)What time do you get up and go to bed?
2)Describe your working day at college.
3) Wh
·3 Мое хобби.

What is your hobby?
Do you have much free time?
Why do you like your hobby?
Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?
Hobby is a favorite occupation of a person in his free time. I
·the most difficult hobbies for me are snowboarding and skiing. Hobby makes our life more interesting.

Тема №4 Город.

1) What English cities and towns do you know? (London, Hartfield, Cardiff, Birmingham)
2) What American cities and towns do you know?(W
· a museum etc.)
5) Tell a few words about your neighborhood.(students’ own answers)

Тема№5 Продукты питания

What is your favorite cuisine?
What kinds of restaurants do you know?
Do people in your family eat out very often?
What does the healthy eating m
6 Спорт

1) What are the most popular kinds of sport in Russia?
2) What are the most popular kind of sport in Great Britain and The USA?
3) Why is it important to play sport?
4) What are winter kinds of sport?
5) What are summer kinds of sport?

· 7 Путешествия
1)How can people travel?
2) Do you like travelling?
3)Why do people travel?
4) What country would you like to visit?
5) Where will you stay?

It’s wonderful to discover new places. Travelling is a part of people’s education. They can l
·lot of time going from one place to another.
I think that travelling is a wonderful thing for us and I enjoy all kinds of travelling very much.
I would like to visit..
I would go there by and stay at a hotel.

Тема №8 Россия. Москва

1) What is the c
· 9 Великобритания. Лондон

1) What is the capital of Great Britain?
2) What is the population of London?
3) What parts is London divided into?
4) What famous places of London do you know?
5) What is the official residence of the Queen?

London was fou
In Madam Tussaud’s there are wax models of famous people.

Тема№10 Традиции Великобритании
What has every country?
What are well-known British traditions?
Are the English big lovers of tea? What kind of tea do they usually drink?
Where do Englishmen
·11 Искусство и культура.

What is Russia proud of?
What are the most famous Russian poets and writers?
What are the most famous Russian composers?
What are the most famous Russian painters?
What are the most famous Russian scientists?

Russia is prou
12 Выдающиеся личности нашей планеты

What famous scientists, musicians and writers do you know?(Newton, Darwin, Kipling, Shakespeare)
Who was the first astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin)
When did Yuri Gagarin go into space? (In 1961)
What do you know about Elvis Presley?

The King of Rock and Roll
I want to tell you about Elvis Presley.
Elvis Presley came from a very poor family. He was born in 1935 in Mississippi. Elvis loved music. He went to church every Sunday and sang in the choir.
When he was 13, his mother bought him a guitar. In 1948 Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee.
In 1954 Elvis went to a recording studio Sun Records to make a record for his mother’s birthday. His first single was That’s all Right, Mama.
In 1955 he appeared on TV in New York. In 1956 Elvis went to Hollywood and made his first film Love Me Tender.
In 1958 Elvis joined the American army and went to Germany. When he returned to the USA in the early 60s, pop music was not the same.
Elvis was a millionaire, but he was a very lonely man. He died of a heart attack in August 1977 in his mansion at Graceland.

Тема №13 Человек и природа

1)What do people depend on?
2)What can you say about our ecology?
3)What do you know about toxic chemicals?
4)What must we do to save our planet?
5)What can you say about Greenpeace?

People depend on the planet, on the Sun, on animals and plants around them.
Every day our ecology becomes worse. People destroy wildlife and cut down trees. In big cities there is air pollution from cars, buses and factories.
In farming they use toxic chemicals. All these chemicals are very harmful for water and atmosphere.
We must take care of nature because we are a part of it. To save our planet we must follow the rule: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.
There are a lot of special organizations which are trying to save our nature. One of them is Greenpeace. They help flora and fauna survive.
We must protect our environment, our life, the future of our children before it is too late.
Начало формы

Тема №14 Выбор профессии. Колледж полиции

1)When was Moscow Militia College founded
2)When it was renamed as Police College?
3)Do the students have all conditions for getting a good education?
4)What are there in the College?
5)When does the working day start?
6)What is your opinion about the College?

Moscow Militia college was founded in 1992. In 2010 our college was renamed as Police College.
It is a modern nine-storey building.
The students of our college have all conditions for getting a good education.
The are many classrooms, a lecture hall, two gymnasiums, a big library and even a shooting gallery. The teachers use a multimedia projection unit, a computer, a large screen TV at the lessons.
The working day begins at 8 o’clock. The lessons start at 8.30 and end at about 2. Every day the students have lectures, seminars, tutorials. They study a lot of subjects. There are Russian, PE, IT, Mathematics, Geography, History, Biology, English and Legal disciplines. After classes the students can do sports or attend optional course.
I think our college is the best educational institution in Moscow.

Преподаватели: Логвиненко А.А.
Ломакина М.А.
Русанова Г.Г.
Овчарова Е.Ю.
Павлова И.В.
Владимирова С.Г.
