Дидактический материал к УМК «Enjoy English» под ред.Биболетовой М.З. 9 класс по теме Human rights
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Английский язык
по теме «Human rights» по УМК Enjoy English (9 класс) под ред.М.З. БиболетовойВыполнил
Кочергина Наталья Евгеньевна
Учитель английского языка
Чернявская Татьяна Владимировна
Руководитель ШМО
Учителей иностранных языков
9th form. Human rights. Test.
1.Complete the sentences:
The United Nations is the international _____.
The United Nations was formed in _____ .The United Nations is situated in _______.
The United Nations was founded to maintain world _____ and foster international ______ .The main organ is the _____ Assembly.
The main document of The United Nations is the Universal ______ of Human rights.
The _____ of The United Nations consists of a map of the world surrounded by two ____ branches.
The Universal Declaration listed 29 different _____ .Every person has the right to be protected against religious ______.
Every person has the right to choose the ____ he likes.
2. Match the synonyms from the two boxes:
1 to respect To be happy
2 to build Liberty
3 to declare To create
4 to not let happen To not allow
5 to suffer To prevent
6 to discriminate To be tolerant
7 to disagree To announce
8 to support To help
9 to prohibit Cruelty
10 Freedom Stranger
11 Foreigner To have different values
12 violence To bully
3. Match the words. 1 variant
1 To prohibit A Уважать
2 To create B Быть терпимым
3 Violence C Страдать
4 To disagree D Ущемлять
5 To respect E Создавать
6 To declare F свобода
7 To suffer G Запрещать
8 To discriminate H Не соглашаться
9 To announce I Насилие
10 To prevent J провозглашать
11 liberty K предотвращать
12 To be tolerant L объявлять