Open lesson ` Celebrating holidays` 6th form

№ 24th School

Teacher: Paviz Khuriya
Grade: 6 “A”
Aktau , 2015
Date: 12.02.2015
Theme: Celebrating holidays
Grade: 6 “A”
The aim of the lesson:
To enrich pupils knowledge about holidays
To assist to overcome difficulties in assimilation of the new theme
To teach establish correct pronunciation
The type of lesson: as a competition
Visual aids: Interactive board , book, blackboard, cards , poster

The procedure of the lesson
1.Organization moment-3 min
Checking up the attendance
2.Phonetic Drill -3 min
Poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good – will to men!
3. The new theme- 5 min. First I`ll read , then altogether repeat after me.
Decorate – сәндеу, безендіру
Chimney - мұржа
Celebrate - тойлау
Neighbor - көрші
Costume – костюмкиім
Guest - қонақ
Knock – қағу, тарсыылдату
Trick – айлабтәсіл
Threat – қауіп
Roast - қуырылған
Turkey – күркетауық
Pie - бәліш 4.Class work -12 min I`ll divide you into 2 groups .And 2 group will compete with each other. I evaluate you with smiles, and stars during the lesson. The first group will be smarties and the second will be nerds.
You see some pictures at the blackboard, Do you know how to solve rebus? The first who solve the rebus will get the star .
Rebus : Holidays
The pupils who had the numbers when comes your turn please stand up and answer the question.
English loto
Bonfire night. Read the text and according the text do this exercise Ex6 p: 121 True or falsea. Bonfire night is on the fifth of November.b. It`s a boring night for English children.c. Some days before Bonfire night they make the guy.d. They make him of sticks and straw.e. T hey put an old hat on his head and a coat.f. they put an old hat on his head and old gloves on the stick hands.g. They put the guy on the bonfire and light it.
Venn diagram . Write down The differences and the similarities of two holiday.
5.Physical training-3 min
I see you little bit tired, let`s dance …
“Kara jorga”
6. Giving Homework-2 min
Ex 3 E. page:120
New vocabulary
7.Marking-2 min
Wonderful, good job! ..
8.Conclusion-1 min
I think everybody have done their best , thank you , I`m glad to meet you !!!