Урок Добро пожаловать в сафари парк ( 4 класс)

Разработка урока английского языка в 4-м классе по теме
«Добро пожаловать в сафари парк»
«Добро пожаловать в сафари-парк»
1. Introduction.
2. Warm- up activities.
Pupils answer the questions:
1. How are you getting on?
2. What season is it now?
3. Do you have a pet?
4. What pet do you have?
5. Do you like to take care about your cat?
7. Do you often walk with them?
3. Lexical exercises.
It’s time to look at the picture and say what you can see
Let’s name them (eagle, camel, crocodile…..)
Let’s try and make-up the word combinations with these words. –задание 1
useful curious big strong clever funny beautiful red black white small nice
Pupils look at the picture and say which animals are domestic which are wild where do they live
Дети делятся на две группы:
( the first group) domestic animals
in the country, in the city, hens, ducks, cows, horsescats, dogs
To my mind, hens, ducks, cows, horses live in the country.
In my opinion, cats, dogs, parrots live in the city.
( the second group) And now let us help wild animals to find their homes
The eagles live in the mountain
The camel live in the desert
The crocodile live in the river
The wolf live in the forest
a) Но есть место, где мы сразу можем встретить много разных животных, но чтобы узнать это место нам нужно разгадать кроссворд
Areyouready?It is grey. It likes cheese
It lives in the desert
It has a long neck and lives in Africa
It’s domestic animal. It likes milk and fish.
It likes carrot and cabbage.
It is a dangerous animal. It lives in the river
  m o u s e  
  c a m e l  
  g i r a f f e  
  c a t  
  r a b b i t
c r o c o d i l e  
It can speak and fly. It can be green, blue, yellow.
It is the biggest animal and can swim. It lives in oceans and seas.
It’s wild. It is a big “cat”.
It eats bananas and jumps in the trees.
It is big and strong. It helps people in the fields. People can ride it.
  p a r r o t
  w h a l e  
t i g e r  
  m o n к e y  
  h o r s e  

И у нас есть интересный текст о сафари парках, но прежде чем мы прочитаем нам надо выполнить несколько заданий.
b)Цепочка слов –задание 1
Park, bird, car, whale, tiger, cage, fence
Safari lions, bus, rule, dolphin, fish, window,
5. Reading
Определить ложную и правдивую информацию
before after
There are many small cages in Safari Parks Visitors can go through the Safari Parks There is no a Sea section in Windsor Safari Park. There are fences in Safari Parks
Прочитаем текс, вставляя слова
Safari parks
Zoos in many ________are changed. In many cities_____ zoos with ______ animals in small cages are closed. They open Safari Parks. In these parks animals live in the_________ area. There are________ not_______ there.
Windsor Safari Park is near _______. It is open from_________ to __________. Different animals live there for example: lions, tigers, monkeys and many others .Visitors go through the Safari Park in_______ or Park_________.
There are three rules for visitors to remember: they must ________ slowly, never open the car__________ and never get out of the car in the places where wild animals live free.
There is a Seasection where we can see_______ sea-lions, fish and other_________. There are two_________ for birds and animals from ______countries. In the bird section there are ________ of different _______from different countries.
(countries, large, open, fences, cages, big, London, 10 o’clock, 7 o’clock, cars, buses, drive, window, dolphins, hot, hundreds, birds, sea-animals, sections)
Now please looks at the blackboard and read the questions and then choose the right answer.
Safari parks
Zoos in many countries are changed. In manycities big zoos with large animals in small cages are closed. They open Safari Parks. In these parks animals live in the open area. There are fences, not cages there.
Windsor Safari Park is near London. It is open from 10 o’clock to 7 o’clock. Different animals live there for example: lions, tigers, monkeys and many others. Visitors go through the Safari Park in cars or Park buses.
There are three rules for visitors to remember: they must drive slowly, never open the car window and never get out of the car in the places where wild animals live free.
There is a Sea section where we can see dolphins, sea-lions, fish and other sea-animals. There are 2 sections for birds and animals from hot countries. In the bird section there are hundreds of different birds from different countries.
Подобрать правильные заголовки к разным отрывкам в тесте.
A .The important rules for visitors.
B . Different sections
C.  New zoos

6. Let’s sing a song
Daddy’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow,daddy’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow, and we can stay all day.(Chorus)We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, how about you, you, you,you can come too, too, too, we’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo.See the elephant with the long trunk swingin', great big ears and a long trunk swingin' Snuffin' up peanuts with a long trunk swingin', and we can stay all day! (Chorus) See all the monkeys they're scritch-scritch scratchin' jumpin' around and scritch-scritch scratchin' Hangin' by the long-tail (huff huff huff), and we can stay all day! (Chorus) Well we stayed all day and we're gettin' sleepy, sittin' in the car gettin' sleep sleep sleepy Home already gettin' sleep sleep sleepy, 'cause we have stayed all day. We been to the zoo zoo zoo, so have you you you You came too too too, we been to the zoo zoo zoo MOMMY'S TAKIN' US TO THE ZOO TOMORROW! Zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow! Mommy's takin' us to the zoo tomorrow, and we can stay all day! (Chorus) 
Составить высказывания о жителях сафари парка по алгоритму.
.Choose a friend-animal for yourself.Tell about it:
-What animal(cat, dog, dolphin…)
-Where it lives (in the sea, in the country…)
-What it eats (grass, other animals…)-What it can do (swim, crawl, climb…)
-What it looks like (nice, angry…)
8.Загадки (проверка домашнего задания составить загадки о любимом животном)
9.Home task
Написать письмо любимому животному.