Урок по теме Почта. Writing Letters To Friends

Тема урока: Writing Letters to Friends

1. Познавательный: повторение и активизация лексического материала по данной теме, практика в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность и выполнение определенных заданий во время аудирования; закрепление правильного оформления конверта (с опорой на образец);
2.Воспитательный: воспитание культуры общения на иностранном языке в устной и письменной речи, уважительное отношение к окружающим, положительного отношения к общечеловеческим ценностям;
3.Развивающий: развитие речевых навыков, творческих способностей, фантазии детей, внимания школьников, способности к социальному взаимодействию, радости познания и любознательности;
Тип урока: урок- обобщение (урок-игра)
Наглядность: карточки с адресами, карточки с названиями команд, , картинки с изображениями Незнайки, почтальона Печкина, мягкая игрушка Собака, Винни-Пуха и его брата, письмо в конверте, игра «Найди слово» на ватмане.
Ход урока:

Hello, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Say “hello” to each other and sit down. We divided into 3 teams at the last lesson: “Oranges”, “Boys”and “Tigers”.
Today we are to talk about letters, post-offices and remember how to write an address on the envelopes. Слайд №1

II. Речевая разминка
1. Answer my questions:
- Do you like to get letters?
- Do you like to read letters?
- Do you like to write an address on the envelope?
- Do you like to write letters to your friends?
- Can you write letters?
- Can you read English letters?
- Do you like to post letters?
- Do you like to get letters from your friends? ( я отвечаю тоже So do I)

III.Фонетическая разминка
2.Let’s begin our lesson with phonetics. Repeat it after me
- n n n
-l l l
-d d d
-t t t
-Пропылесосили потолочки: r r r
IV. Повторение изученного материала
3. Let’s remember the poem about the girl who likes to get letters. Who wants to recite the poem? Each correct answer will give you a point.

4. Let’s rest
·.Развитие навыков подготовленной диалогической речи и аудирования.
6. I see you are ready to go to the post office. We are at the post office. Слайд № 2 And your task was to learn the dialogue between a customer and a shop-assistant by heart. Let’s revise some words.
New Year
Christmas на доске
How much is it?
Who wants to answer?

Assistant : Good morning! Can I help you?
Pupil: Good morning! I would like to have an envelope and a stamp.
A: Here you are.
P: Thank you. Have you got any
·(На листе)


Now write the words in the right order on your envelopes: (раздаю большие конверты, дети должны написать адрес)
Oxford, Sam Jones, UK, 7 Si
·sters Street
London, Ann Fox, UK, 5 Queen Street
Boston, James Talor, USA, Newbury Street

8. Neznaika wants to play with you. His motto: No school. Play all day long. Do you agree with him?
Let’s play Whispering game.
-a postman
-a letter- box
- an envelope

Let’s have arrest. Stand up! Watch the video and do like Елочка. (физкультминутка)

VI.Совершенствование навыков аудирования. Слайд № 3.
9. Oh, it is a postman Печкин. It has a letter for us (достать письмо). I don’t know who the author is. Listen to the letter and guess the author.
(На листе ): Buratino, Sharik, Roo, Malvina, Karlson.
(текст письма)
Dear pen friends!
I am kind. I am energetic, but I am fat. I am not old. I can fly. I have a lot of friends. My friend is Malysh. I like sweets and cakes.
His name isСлайд № 4

10. You have pen friends too and you sometimes write letters to them. Read your letters written by you at home. (развитие навыков монологической речи).

VII. Физкультминутка
11. Let’s have a rest.
Dance, please
Jump, please
Play football
Play the drums, please
Climb, Climb, please
Swim, please
Ride a bike, please
Speak English
Play the violin, please

12. Now I want you to make up the words. Who is quicker?

VIII. Практика в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность и выполнение определенных заданий во время аудирования;
13. Let’s visit Winnie. He has a birthday today. Let’s recite the poem for Winnie (рассказываем хором стихотворение).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You have a date to celebrate Which comes but once a year. And so today we'd like to say From all of us to you: "Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!"

I want to tell you about Winnie’s brother. I have his photos, but my dog has mixed them. Put them in the right order. Be attentive and after my reading you are to retell the story using the cards.
Hello, I am Winnie’s brother. My name is Gummy. I am not fat, but I am not slim. I am kind and merry. I like honey and tea, I don’t like fish and meat.
I like to ride a bicycle. I can read English books.
I live in the forest. My house is small and nice. It is not high.
I have a lot of friends. They are Piglet and Ia. We like to play together. (читаю 2 раза, ученики разложили карточки - еще раз читаю).

IX. Подведение итогов урока
14. Let’s count our points. Your marks are Excellent today. And your prize is a big parcel with sweets.
The lesson is over. Good-bye.