Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Страны и национальности

Тема урока:
Цели урока:
совершенствование навыков понимания и употребления лексики по теме;
развитие умений приводить аргументы в пользу своей точки зрения;
развитие умения вести диалог-расспрос
развитие логического мышления в ходе решения языковых задач;
развитие внимания и воображения учащихся;
расширение страноведческого кругозора
привитие уважения к культурам других стран
Оборудование: компьютер, магнитофон, страноведческие плакаты, флаги разных стран
Ход урока:
1. Организационный этап
1. Приветствие, проверка подготовки к уроку.
2. Сообщение цели урока.
You’ve already learned some facts about geography. Today we are going to speak about different countries, nationalities and languages spoken in these countries. You’ll have a chance to visit an international camp and to ask people about their countries and nationalities.
So, Paul, what will we speak about?
2. Этап тренировки
1. Фонетическая зарадка.
а/ Отработка произношения. (слайд №1-3 колонки: страны, нац-ти, языки)
Read the words after me. Now you, Kate, read the words.
b/ Совершенствование произносительно-интонационных навыков +решение элементарных смысловых задач.
-name the countries in Europe (Asia, America)
-name big (small) countries
…… is a big country.
-name the countries where people speak English
-match the country and its capital
…… is the capital of ……
-name only languages/ nationalities
-say what languages people speak in these countries
They speak ……. in …….
2. (слайды № 2-8)
Look at the pictures and say what countries these people are from and what languages they speak.
3. (слайд № 9)
Read the sentences and say if it’s strange or not.
e.g. 1. He lives in France. He doesn’t know German. It’s not strange.
2. They live in the USA. They don’t speak English. It’s strange.
4..Обучение точной лексико-грамматической имитации образца в условно-речевом обмене репликами.
Say, where these people are from.
-He’s American. Where is he from?
-She’s from America, too.
5. (слайд № 10)
Read the sentences and think where these people may be from.
e.g. Speak Russian, please. I can’t speak English.
Look at these sentences once more. You want to speak to a foreigner. What can you say to him?
6. Совершенствование ритмических навыков + обучение бистрой подстановке в условно-речевом обмене репликами по модели.
а/ Now listen to the tape and repeat it after the announcer.
b/ Continue the dialogues/ make up 2 dialogues.
3. Этап речевой практики
1. Составление высказываний в пределах развернутой реплики
T.: Do you like to travel? Would you like to visit any foreign country? Why?
P.: I’d like to go to ….. . I like it. ( I want to speak English. I want to see …)
T.: But we can’t visit a foreign country right now. Why?
P.: We have no money. ( time, visas … )
T.: But the main thing is – we don’t know languages. What language can we understand? What countries can we visit?
Make up a dialogue. Use any of these models. (слайд № 11)
a/ -Let’s go to France.
-Oh, no. we can’t do it. We don’t know French.
b/ -Let’s go to …….. .
-All right. Let’s. We speak …. .
To know a language it is necessary to learn it. Say, where you’d like to go and what language you need.
P.: I’d like to go to Germany but I don’t speak German. I’d like to study it.
2. We can’t go to a foreign country but we can go to an international camp.
Let’s play. Imagine you are at the International camp. Students from different countries came to this camp. Look at the flags of their countries. Identify the flags. (слайды № 12 -15)
T.: What is № 1?
P.: It’ the American flag.So, people from what countries came to the camp?
Here are their names. (таблицы)
Try to find as much as you can about these students. Each of you can ask 4 questions to 4 different students. Then fill in the table.
Tell me about any of your new friends and we’ll see if you are right.
e.g. Meet Kate. She is 12. She is from Russia. Her nationality is Russian. She can speak English and German.
4. Заключительный этап
1. Подведение итогов.
2.Выставление оценок.
3. Домашнее задание.