Проект Англицизмы в русском языке Anglicizes in the Russian language
«Англицизмы в русском языке»
Обоснование темы: В настоящее время мы все чаще и чаще сталкиваемся со словами иностранного происхождения в нашем родном русском языке. Большая часть этих слов заимствована из английского языка, так как английский язык является лидирующим языком во многих сферах человеческой деятельности.
В связи с этим участники проекта задались многими вопросами о происхождении, звучании и значении заимствований из английского языка (в дальнейшем именуемых «англицизмами»). Хорошо или плохо для великого русского языка появление и распространение подобного явления «англицизмов»? Участники данного проекта полагают, что тема проекта является современной, актуальной и интересной.
Цели: Развитие познавательного интереса к предмету «Английский язык» и
расширение знаний учащихся об истории и культуре страны
изучаемого языка.
1.Определить, что является «заимствованиями» . 2.Найти и определить заимствования из английского языка
(англицизмы) в русском языке в разных сферах человеческой
3.Проанализировать происхождение, звучание, значение и
необходимость англицизмов в русском языке.
Руководитель проекта: Алексеева Л.В.
Рабочая группа проекта: учащиеся 6 класса «А» (Вавиленков Д., Власенко Е., Веселова А., Глазова А., Голубева Е., Дехнич К.
Платонова Д., Филатенков А.)
I.1.Relevance of the project
The theme of the project “My favourite English” is “Anglicizes in the Russian language”. We consider this theme to be up-to-date, curious and interesting.
Every day we come across anglicizes or English borrowings in the Russian language. So we got interested in this widespread phenomenon and decided to find the explanation to it.
I.2.The aim of the project
The aim of the project’s theme is to find English borrowings in the Russian language and to realize their influence on the Russian language.
I.3. The objectives of the project are:
* to find and define the English borrowings in the Russian language;
* to analyze the origin and the meaning of the English borrowings in the Russian
* to realize the influence of the English borrowings on the Russian
Anglicizes in the Russian language. Everyday Russian language, the richest and the greatest, borrows such English words, which are called anglicizes. Many factors influence this phenomenon in our lives: the Internet, radio, television, technical progress, different cultural and sport events and international contacts.
We carried out some research work in most common spheres of our life to find and analyze anglicizes according to their use, sound and meaning.
First, we made up a questionnaire to define the level and the sphere of borrowed words in the Russian language. It was carried out among the teenagers of our gymnaziya and our friends from different schools.
We chose some shperes in our life and looked for words which are not typical for the Russian language. Then we worked with Russian – English and English – English dictionaries (Britanica” and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate English dictionary, Longman dictionary of contemporary English) .As soon as we gathered enough material, we systematized, analyzed and chose the most widespread and well-known anglicizes.
We found out that most of all anglicizes are spread among the teenagers in school life, daily conversations, computer technology, names of professions, clothes, food and advertisements and city signs. The areas in which high school students and grown-ups come across English words, the Internet and social networking are leading. Then follows music (songs in English) and daily communication, television, mass media, and advertising, sport and city signs.
For example: the word ‘инглиш’ (английский) is transferred from school slang ‘English. ("На инглиш идешь?"); the word "уик-энд" ( выходной) transfered from the English "weekend; «о кей» (все в порядке) from the English «OK»;
The English words “computer”, “printer” , “scanner” have become usual, common and quite familiar to Russian people. "комп" (компьютер) from the English "computer ("Опять мой комп. завис"); «онлайн» (на линии) from the English «online»; "дивидишник" - от "DVD-player" - DVD плейер, “reporter”- репортер, “doctor’’- доктор, “businessman” - бизнесмен, “farmer” – фермер.
Britain is known as a birth-country of many sports. The names of sport games as “football”, “basketball”, “volleyball”, “snowboard” sound and mean the same in many languages.
Nowadays anglicizes can be found in clothing and food . You will hear such words as “uniform, shorts, scarf, sweater, pullover, sneakers”, ‘sandwich’,’ Hot dog’, etc. in everyday speech in Russia. It’s interesting to know that the word “shorts” came from ‘short pants’. British soldiers cut uniform pants because of a terribly hot climate.
To draw the customers’ attention markets, shops, restaurants, different centers and clubs make and hang colourful and unusual advertisements and signs. For example: “steak house”, “sale”, “stop”. Sometimes they are ridiculous and funny and aren’t easy to understand their purpose.
We’d like to say that a lot of anglicizes are used in the Russian language. The reasons of this phenomenon are: tight social, economic and cultural relations between Britain and Russia.
During our research work we found and distributed the English borrowings in different spheres of human life. Besides, we tried to define the influence of anglicizes on the Russian language.
In conclusion, all anglicizes can be divided into justified and unjustified borrowings. Justified borrowings are words that have no equivalents to be replaced by in the Russian language and unjustified anglicizes are just a mess in our Russian language.