Конспект урока на тему Проблемы современной молодёжи (10 класс)
Конспект урока. «Проблемы современной молодёжи» 10 класс
(используется презентация Молодёжные субкультуры»)
Орг. момент. Знакомство.
Учитель: Hello, how are you?
My name is Galina Dmitrievna. I am a new teacher for only one lesson.
I am very glad to see you and I hope we’ll work together actively.
2. Определение тематики общения.
Учитель: This lesson we’ll talk about some youth problems. I want you to watch some pictures
of my presentation to precise the problem of today’s discussion.
Look at them, please. Слайд 1
3. Целеполагание.
Учитель: What problem are we going to talk about? (about different subcultures). Слайд 2
Teacher: Let’s make a list of the questions to discuss and answer them.
For example:
· Работа с лексикой.
Will you practice today’s vocabulary?
Поведение, общепринятые нормы морали и поведения, мода, пустая трата времени, необычный внешний вид, необычная причёска, система ценностей, особые музыкальные предпочтения, пирсинг, тату, использование наркотиков, резать вены, говорить о свободе мысли и поведения, проколонные губы, мочки ушей, непонимание между детьми и родителями, следовать своему кумиру, показать свою независимость, шокировать людей, говорить о вампирах и о конце света, изменить мир к лучшему.
5 . Определение понятию «субкультура»
Teacher: Look at these words and try to define: What is subculture? Слайд 3
Subculture is
a way of self-expression for young people,
a way to express one’s disagreement with accepted norms of morality and behavior
a system of the norms of behaviour, values, beliefs and fashion
an alternative to studying,
a way to waste free time
Определение ассоциативного поля понятию «субкультура» метод кластера
Teacher: What is this word associated with?
Let’s put on the words associated with subculture.
(Check your answers) What haven’t we mentioned of? Слайд 4
Слова на доске
(unusual appearance, hairstyle, specific items of clothing, slang, symbols, values, beliefs,
the manners of behaviour, special musical preferences, tattoos, piercing and many others)
Беседа о субкультурах в современном обществе. Слайд 5
Teacher: How many subcultures are there in a modern society?
Which of them do you kno
·teristics with the subcultures. Слайд 6
1. punks a. (sadness, pink and black ). 2. goths b. (risk, sport wear, climb and jump ). 3.
·hippies c. (leather clothes, bold heads, chains ). 4. emos d. (black clothes, black nails, eyes, lips ). 5. tracers e. (strange hairstyle, pierced lips, earlobes ). 6. skinheads f. (peace, love, drugs, freedom ).
Работа в группах.
( по картам-схемам)
We can differ them by appearance, but what do we know about their mottos, system of values, habits,
behavior, activities, musical preferences and so on
You are divided into 4 groups. I want you to work in groups.
Learn about one of the subcultures and present it by plan:
9 . Представление субкультуры по плану. Слайд 7
1. They are
2. Their motto is
3. The wear (have, use)
4. Their preferable colours are
5. The listen to
6. Their main activity is...
7. They believe..
8. They want
9. They protest against (promote)
10. Their symbol is.
10. Музыкальная пауза. Релаксация. Слайд 8
Listen to some musical compositions and math them with subcultures
(Listen to music and define what subculture listens to it)
- Goths- Goth rock- Кино, Агата Кристи
Композиция Entwine (intvain) «Bleeding for the cure»
- Punks- Punk rock – (Сектор Газа, Король и шут, Ленинград, Queen)
Композиция Lustra ['l
·] «Roll»
- EMOs- sad music – screamo- Композиция Amo-Kor «Ангел»
11. Беседа. Классификация. Слайд 9
What is the influence of subcultures on the society?
Классификация субкультур.
What is the most dangerous subculture on the society?
12. Дискуссия. «Why do teens choose subcultures?» «Рыбья кость» Слайд 10
Проблемы: misunderstanding with parents, classmates
Причины: curiosity, show their individuality, follow their idols, protest against accepted norms of
Facts: change their appearance, gather together, listen to music, use drugs,
Заключение: sick to understand
13. Обмен мнениями. What is your attitude to the subculture? Слайд 11
14. Рефлексия.
Thank you for a work. You are good to work with you.
Please, express your emotional states during some phase of the lesson.