Урок-соревнование по английскому языку на тему Времена года

побуждать учащихся к активному участию в познании окружающего мира;
развивать память, внимание, логическое мышление;
учить учащихся формировать собственную точку зрения, выражать собственное мнение, чувства.
Развивающие: способствовать интеллектуальному и культурному росту учащихся.
практиковать учащихся в умении вести беседу по темам «Погода», «Весна», «Времена года»;
совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;
совершенствовать грамматические умения и навыки;
тренировать класс в чтении текста с извлечением основной информации;
-совершенствовать артикуляцию английских звуков;
обучать вежливому и доброжелательному общению друг с другом с соблюдением этикетных норм;
воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу;
воспитывать чувство уважения к культуре, традициям и обычаям других народов.
1. Организационный момент
Good morning, dear friends! I am very glad to see you again. How are you? I hope you are fine. What are we going to do today? We are going to speak about spring, summer, autumn and winter, about our Kaliningrad weather. We are going to recite poems. We’ll sing songs and play games. Let’s get started.
2. Учащиеся разбиваются на 2 команды, вытягивают название своей команды, выбирают капитанов. (Названия могут быть следующие Clouds, Leaves, Snowflakes, Flowers).
3. Фонетическая зарядка
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white,
Spring is green,
Summer is bright.
Spring is here,
Summer is near,
Grass is green.
So nice and clean.
Winter, spring, summer, fall –
I like spring best of all.
(Учащиеся сначала повторяют стихотворения хором за учителем, а потом самостоятельно).
3. And now we are going to speak about the weather today.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя: (по очереди каждой команде задаются вопросы, за каждый правильный ответ 1 балл, обратить внимание детей что ответ должен быть полный)
Is the weather good or bad today?
Is the sun shining?
Are there any clouds in the sky?
What colour is the sky?
Is the wind blowing or not?
Is it raining?
Is it warm?
What colour the earth?
4. Конкурс чтецов, ребята рассказывают стихи о природе, выученные заранее.
5. Soon spring comes. And now let’s speak about spring!
And will you tell us about spring in Pavlovsk, please?
Вставьте слова в текст: spring, begins, trees, work, season, Pavlovsk.
Spring is a nice in … Pavlovsk. March, April, May are … months. Spring in … March and ends in May. The weather is usually nice in spring in …. It is warm. The … are green. We can see flowers. Farmers … in the fields.
Spring is a nice season in Pavlovsk. March, April, May are spring months. Spring begins in March and ends in May. The weather is usually nice in spring in Pavlovsk .It is warm. The trees are green. We can see flowers. Farmers work in the fields.
6. Dear friends! Let’s talk about season, please?
Презентация «Времена года»
There are 4 seasons in the year. Each of them lasts 3 months. Every new year begins in winter on the 1st of January. It is a holiday in our country. People decorate New Year trees. Winter is a cold season in Pavlovsk. It often snows. The rivers and the lakes are frozen over. The sun sets early and rises late. The days are short, the nights are long. The sky is grey.
At the end of March the weather gets warmer. The sun shines brightly. The days become longer, the nights become shorter .Snow begins melting. Nature awakens after a long winter sleep. The birds return from the South.
Spring is followed by summer. The weather gets warmer. People go to the forest, swim in the river in summer. I like summer very much.
Autumn comes in September with the beginning of the school year. Leaves fall down from the trees and cover the ground. Birds fly away to warm countries. Autumn is a tasty season.
7. Конкурс капитанов, ребятам нужно составить предложения из перемешанных слов.
week will next be Weather fine
often does read He very not
isn’t is a day, it It ? lovely
Linda the did yesterday?do garden What in
Weather will be fine next week.
He does not read very often.
It is a lovely day, isn’t it ?
What did Linda do in the garden yesterday?
Пока капитаны составляют предложения, давайте отгадаем загадки, за правильный ответ 1 балл.
What is it?
This is the season
When days are cool,
When we eat apples
And go to school. ( autumn )
This is the season when nights are short.
And children have plenty of fun and sport.
Boating and swimming all day long
Will make us well and strong. ( summer )
This is the season
When birds make their nests.
This is the season
We all like best. ( spring )
This is the season
When mornings are dark
And birds do not sing
In the woods and park.
This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost
Brings the New Year tree. ( winter )
Higher than a house,
Higher than a tree,
Oh! Whatever can it be? ( a cloud)
What falls, but never rises? ( rain )
I am born green, and die yellow
In large and small gardens. ( grass )
8. Read the text and find out which sentences are true and which sentences are false. Выполненное задание отдаете судьям, за правильно выполненное предложение 1 балл.
1. The weather is awful today.
2. There are no clouds in the sky.
3. Molly and her family are going to the park.
4. The girl doesn’t like to walk in the forest when the weather is fine.
5. Molly likes to sing merry songs about springtime.
1. The weather is awful today. False
2. There are no clouds in the sky. True
3. Molly and her family are going to the park. False
4. The girl doesn’t like to walk in the forest when the weather is fine. False
5. Molly likes to sing merry songs about springtime. True
It is already Sunday. The weather is fine today. We cannot see any clouds in the sky. My mother, sister and I are going to the forest. It’s so wonderful to walk in the forest when it is warm and sunny. I like to have picnics on the grass and sing merry songs about summer.
ледяной, холодный
дождливый; проливной
влажный, мокрый, сырой
it’s pouring with rain / it’s raining cats and dogs’
идет проливной дождь
жаркий, знойный
холодный, прохладный
легкий ветерок
шторм; буря; ветер от 7 до 10 баллов
ураган; тропический циклон
промежуток времени, срок, период (of – чего-л.)
сильный дождь
Fill in the gaps.
__________ scares many people.
Гром пугает многих людей.
Did you see the __________?
Ты видел молнию?
There were many _________ in January.
В январе было много штормов.
There is ______ on the water.
На воде лед.
There will be a __________.
Будет гроза.
6__________ bring much rain.
Ураганы приносят много дождя.
The weather forecast says: _____ _____.
Прогноз погоды обещает солнечный период.
November is often ________.
Ноябрь часто туманный.
Is the sky blue or ________.
Небо голубое или облачное?
Yesterday it was a _______ day.
Вчера был ветреный день.