Урок Путешествие в страну английских сказок (4 класс)
Тема: путешествие в страну английских сказок.
Цель: закрепить названия и имена сказочных героев, животных. Повторить употребление временных форм Present Simple Tense, Past Simple Tense, Present Continuous Tense. Развивать навыки устного и письменного, диалогического и монологического вещания. Формировать социокультурную компетентность путем использования текстов английских сказок, известных детям. Воспитывать любовь к литературе англичан.
Оборудование: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, анкета, слайд шоу с вопросами, аудиоприложение к учебнику, классическая музыка.
Тип урока: урок-путешествие.
Ожидаемый результат: дети запомнят названия сказочных героев, ознакомятся с английскими сказками, подробно повторят употребления грамматических временных форм.
1. Greeting Приветствие
T: Good morning, pupils. What a beautiful morning! The day is sunny and so bright. My dear friends, am I right?
P1: Yes, you are right.
T: Where are you now?
P2: We are in the classroom now.
T: What are you doing now?
P3: We are sitting at the desks.
T: Are you ready for the lesson?
Ps: Yes, we are.
2. Aim Сообщение темы и цели урока
T: Today we have unusual lesson. We are going to make a very enjoyable trip to a wonderful country, which isn't situated on the map of our planet. We'll travel to the country of the tales. But we must pass some stations. Let's go.
3. Warming up Введение в иноязычную атмосферу
Три учащиеся получают разрезанные предложения, слова которых нужно поставить в правильном порядке
The/ main/ hero/ of /the/ Tail/ is/ Red Riding-Hood
Her/ mother/ put/ the /things/ In/ a/ Basket
The/ wolf/ wanted/ to /eat/ A/ little girl
T: Do you know this tale?
P1: Yes, we do.
T: What is this tale about?
P2: This tale is about the little girl Red Riding-Hood and her grandmother. The wolf ate them. But the hunter killed the wolf. Red Riding-Hood and her grandmother were free.
1. Заполнение анкеты для поездки
T: We are going to abroad and of course we must fill the application forms. Please, write down your name, surname, age, nationality and home address (потом дети сдают их, а один ученик сразу заполняет на доске).
Home address
2. Минута релаксации
T: Now I'd like a rest minute. Shut your eyes. Listen to the music. Try to imagine something pleasant, and then you'll tell me.
P1: I was at the seaside. I saw beautiful blue waves and white birds over them.
P2: I imagined a rainy day. I saw a lot of people. They went along the street. They had bright umbrellas.
Grammar Revision
1. T: Read and compare
Present Simple Tense Present Continuous Tense Past Simple Tense
I read books on evenings.
She doesn't swim (because she can't swim).
Does he paint? – No, he does not (he can't paint).
What does she do? – She makes cakes (because it is her job) I am reading a book now.
She isn't swimming now.
Is he painting now? – No, he isn't.
What is she doing now? – She is making cakes now. I read a book yesterday.
She didn't swim last summer.
Did he paint five years ago? – No, he didn't.
What did she do the day before yesterday? – She made a cake.
2. Group work Работа в группах
Класс распределяется на 3 группы. В каждой группе выбирается докладчик, эксперт, и 3 рабочей группы. Каждая группа получает карточку с текстом, в котором нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в определенном времени. На задание отводится 2 минуты. Затем докладчик от каждой группы выполняет задание у доски, а правильность ответа проверяет эксперт. Ответ 1 группы проверяет эксперт 2, 2-й – 3-й, 3-й – 1-й.
T: you'll have a card and work in groups. You must open the brackets. An expert will check your answer.
Card 1 Open the brackets and put the verbs in Present Simple Tense
The first pig (to meet) a man. The man (to carry) a bundle of straw. He (to give) him some straw. And a little pig (to build) a nice little straw house. The wolf (to destroy) it.
Card 2 Open the brackets and put the verbs in Present Continuous Tense
The second pig (to meet) a man now. The man (to carry) a bundle of furze. The man (to give) him some furze. And a little pig (to build) a nice little furze house. The wolf (to destroy) it.
Card 3 Open the brackets and put the verbs in Past Simple Tense
The third pig (to meet) a man last year. The man (to carry) a load of bricks. The man (to give) him some bricks. And a little pig (to build) a nice little brick house. The wolf couldn't (to destroy) it.
Card 1 Open the brackets and put the verbs in Present Simple Tense
The first pig meets a man. The man carries a bundle of straw. He gives him some straw. And a little pig builds a nice little straw house. The wolf destroys it.
Card 2 Open the brackets and put the verbs in Present Continuous Tense
The second pig is meeting a man now. The man is carrying a bundle of furze. The man is giving him some furze. And a little pig is building a nice little furze house. The wolf is destroying it.
Card 3 Open the brackets and put the verbs in Past Simple Tense
The third pig met a man last year. The man carried a load of bricks. The man gave him some bricks. And a little pig built a nice little brick house. The wolf couldn't destroy it.
3. Physical Activity Физкультминутка
T: let's play the game «Simon says» («Саймон говорит»).
Ученики выполняют действия, когда учитель при этом говорит: «Simon says», если нет — стоят неподвижно. Тот, кто нарушит правило, должен сесть. Выигрывает тот или те ученики, которые останутся стоять.
Т: Simon says: Hands up! Simon says: Hands down! (Hands on hips! Sit down! Stand up! Go! Run! Swim! Jump! Fly! Draw! Look at...! Close...! Put... in/on/under..!)
1. Video questions Работа с видеовопросами.
T: Now you'll see pictures from some English tales. You must answer the questions.
2. Reading Чтение диалога по ролям после работы с аудіододаткомT: Look, listen and repeat the dialog №1, p. 143
1. Драматизация отрывков сказок трех творческих групп
Первая группа отрывок «Red Riding-Hood»
Вторая группа отрывок «Three little pigs»
Третья группа отрывок «The gingerbread boy»
Homework 1. Домашнее задание.
И группа впр. 1, стр. 76(в рабочей тетради)
II группа впр. 2, стр. 77(в рабочей тетради)
Summarizing 2. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок.
T: Do you like our lesson?
Ps: Yes, we do.
T: What was the most interesting for you?
P1: As for me, the video questions were the most interesting.
P 2: I liked tales.
P3: I liked group work.