Сценарий к празднику Halloween

Сценарий открытого мероприятия “Halloween”
Песня «Что такое осень» Наташа и Юля.
Жукова Настя
October is orange & red & brown.
See the leaves all tumble down!
Rake them up into piles so high
You can jump in them, & flop, & lie!
Стафурова Настя
We have to wait the whole day long
For spooky Halloween!
What are you going to be?
A ghost? A witch? Or a queen?Слова Учителя:
Good evening, boys and girls! Welcome to our Halloween party! On the thirty first of October is Halloween, ghosts and witches are free and you can meet them. A long time ago people were afraid and stayed at home on Halloween. But now in Britain it is a day for fun. Don't be afraid if you see ghosts, goblins and black cats today at our party. You will know more about Halloween today.
Песня и клип “This is Halloween” (Весь класс)
Звиадаури :Good evening, dear guests. Welcome to our party! Today we are having a special holiday for the dead – does that seem strange? Perhaps not. There are so many holidays for the living, why not set aside a day to remember those who have died? In Europe the night of the ghosts and witches was combined with the Christian holiday. As that night fell on October 31, people called it Halloween. This means “hallowed evening” or “holy eve”.
Добрый вечер, дорогие гости. Добро пожаловать в нашу вечеринку! Сегодня мы покажем вам праздник для мертвых – который кажется странным? Возможно, нет. Существует столько праздников для живых, почему бы не выделить день, чтобы вспомнить тех, кто умер? В Европе ночь призраков и ведьм связана с христианским праздником. Т.к этот праздник выпадает на 31 октября, люди назвали его Хэллоуином. Это означает “освященный вечерний” или “святой канун”.
Андрианова Н:On Halloween, people often go to the parties at which fortunes are read and ghosts stories are told. Children may dress up in the costumes and masks of witches, goblins or skeletons and go trick –or- treating. They ring doorbells and ask for candy, apples, or coins. 
Князев Олег:
На Хэллоуине люди часто ходят на вечеринки, на которых рассказываются истории о призраках. Дети наряжаются в костюмы ведьм, гоблинов или скелетов. А вечером они ходят и звонят в дверные звонки и просят леденец, яблоки или монеты.
Мазина А:
If they don’t receive a treat, they may play a trick.At night on October 31 witches fly on their broomsticks, skeletons rattle their bones, ghosts frighten people, Jack – O’ – Lanterns walk around houses, black Halloween cats play tricks with us.
Якуничев М:
Если они не получают сладости, они могут сыграть шутку. Ночью 31 октября ведьмы летают на метлах, скелеты пугают своими костями, призраки пугают людей, а Джек гуляет вокруг зданий, черные кошки тоже играют в Хэллоуин злые шутки с нами.
Жукова А:
Hi everybody. My name is Jack, you know. I’ve been wandering around the earth for hundreds of years. I am so tired. People don’t like me, but I want to talk to them. I am so glad to have come to your party. I know so many interesting stories and won’t go until I tell you one of them. Listen. (Tells the story and comes closer to the spectators)Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She sat by the fire and she spun waiting for someone to come. But no one came. Soon there was a knock at the door and the door opened and in came two big shoes, two long thin legs, some wide, wide shoulders, some long thin arms, two fat hands and in rolled a pumpkin head.  12. Гришина:Why do you have such big, big shoes? 
Жидких: Much walking, much walking, - said the someone. Why do you have such long thin legs? Much running, much running. Why do you have such wide shoulders? Much carrying, much carrying. Why do you have such fat, fat hands? Much working, much working. Why are you here? What is it you want? I came to get……….YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Клип Памкинкс + все идут с фонариками по залу
Ужастик о школе:
Звиадаури М + Андрианова Н:
Hi! Do you know that in our school live ghosts?
Is this a joke?
No, it is not a joke! I will show you! We made a video of our school at night!
Видео о школе
1 Every day, when we go home, there are a lot of ghosts, witches, skeletons come to our school and walk here!
You see! At night you can see light here!
2 See you it’s a ghost!
3 An old woman lives on the fourth floor! Every night you can see her in the corridors!
4 All these heroes don't sleep at night.
5. I have remembered! There is a skeleton in biology room!
Yes, you are right. It also lives here!
6. And these fishes can speak!
7. And these animals were killed! Oh!
8. Yes! Nobody sleeps here at night! Here everything is alive!
The light burns here. Here is Anna Mikhaelovna! May we come in?
Анна Михайловна в маске чудища:
Yes! You may!
9. I see a ghost again! I am afraid to go to our school.
10. Don’t be afraid! Dmitry Borisovich has always the a gun! It will save us!
I see, there are a lot of ghosts, witches, skeletons here. Come here I don’t be afraid!
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